Dumaguete Info Search

How do I post "Personal Items" in the classifieds section?

Listing "Personal Items" on the forum is free for all DI members. Posting in this section is a little different than posting a normal topic/thread. You will need to create a Showcase Item to list your personal items for sale. This works much the same as creating a new topic:

1. Click on "Create Showcase" located towards the top right of the page. (Ignore the permissions warning at the bottom of the page!)
Screenshot from 2016-08-27 08:32:13.png

2. Click "Continue" on the pop-up dialog box. ("Personal Items" should be pre-selected.)
Screenshot from 2016-08-27 08:32:19.png

3. Fill out the required information. (Note: The "Item Name" and "Item Information" are the only two required fields. The "Item Description", "Map Location" and "Tags" are OPTIONAL. If you are unsure what to enter here or they are giving you problems just leave these fields empty.)
Screenshot from 2016-08-27 08:37:18.png

4. Upload images if available. (Note: The first image you upload will be used as the thumbnail for your listing.)
Screenshot from 2016-08-27 08:38:11.png
5. Hit the "Create Item" button when you are ready to submit the item for moderator review.
Aug 27, 2016
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