I find it odd they tell you to ask dive associations "outside" the Philippines. "Top dive spots in world" Top 10 dives in the world (0 Philippines mentions) The World's Best Scuba Diving Locations (0 Philippines mentions) 50 Best Dive Sites in the World (1 Philippines mention - Luzon) Revealed: the World's Top 100 Dive Sites (4 Philippines mentions - x2 Palawan - x2 Mindoro) Top 10 Dive Sites in the World - DIVE.in Scuba Magazine (0 Philippines mentions) "Top dive spots in Asia" The Top 10 Best Dive Sites in Asia - The Adventure Junkies (1 Philippines mention - Tubbataha Reef, Palawan) Asia Pacific: Top 20 Iconic Dives (2 Philippines mentions - Cebu - Palawan) http://www.goasean.com/stories/best-dive-sites-in-southeast-asia (Southeast Asia ONLY - 2 Philippines mentions - x2 Palawan) Getting bored, lets speed this up a bit: "Top dive spots in Philippines" http://divezone.net/diving/philippines (0 Negros Island mentions - however, Dumaguete does get a mention in the comment section!) http://www.scubadivephilippines.com/SCUBAtopdivesites.shtml (There it is.) Just had to narrow the search down to the Philippines to find Dumaguete on a list of best dive spots. Judging from what I've seen on those lists a diver would be much more satisfied heading to Indonesia for a vacation.