A Big Duck Named Long Boi Went Viral https://www.*** Spammer link. ***/2021/05/a-big-duck-named-long-boi-went-viral.html Also I found this article interesting I am sure you will like it .... proboscis monkey facts I am sure you didn't saw these monkeys before https://www.*** Spammer link. ***/2021/05/proboscis-monkey-facts.html Sent from my TECNO KC2 using Tapatalk
I don't know how you are bypassing the post approval requirements for new users and the spam detection during registration. I guess I'll just permanently break the link to the website you are so desperate to spam here (and on many other forums using similar user names). So keep on spamming, it won't result in any more clicks, views or SEO optimization for your sh*try website here.
Would you consider making new users go through some sort of authentication protocol? Maybe send them a code in an email or to their cell phone before they can post. That would be pretty demotivating for a spammer.
This already happens. There are also spam checks that happen when someone registers (checking IP address, emails and usernames against a spam database). These checks are being bypassed by some spammers. Since spam seems to come in waves (maybe once one spammer link gets through it is like blood in the water) I have changed the settings so that all new registrations will need to be manually approved (even this isn't 100% as some spammers can look legit with the right combination of IP/location/email/username). Once it dies down I will go back to the automated registrations.
If what you mention was in place on this forum before i joined then i for one would not be a member now. There is places where authentication like this is required but i would say this is not one.
Every website you have an account with has at least one of these spam checks at registration. If they didn't the site would be 99% bots and spam posts. It is extremely common to verify that your email or phone number is real after registration. DI sends verification emails and has for a very long time.
The lights were on upstairs, they were sneaking in through the basement. Tapatalk (Chinese owned add-on) was allowing their "verified users" to bypass the forum spam checks. Put an end to that.