With my wife unfortunately losing her father this morning (in Mindanao and not Covid-related), the day has been a mass of phone calls with relatives in Dumaguete, Mindanao, Manila and Taiwan. Obviously everyone wants to go there asap and I am having to inject some calm and talk about going there AND coming back. The amount of testing, documents and potential quarantines should put many off - but praise for the determination of Filipinos and their family values to keep trying. One thing I found amazing was that my wife's sister in Taiwan is finding airfares of about 170,000 pesos return (Taiwan to Ozamiz) when she paid 14,000 pre-pandemic (actually August 2019). Has anyone taken a flight recently and found the same? I know that businesses will inflate prices for a few months or more to recover losses from the pandemic but 12-fold is massive. This can only further stoke the inflation already starting to grip the world as the pandemic eases in some countries.
In the post-pandemic reality, this is one sort of family gathering that would best be turned into a Zoom.com meeting, except for those in the immediate area. As I recently explained to a loved one regarding Day of the Dead observance: the dead have no concern for time, dates, memorials, birthdays, holidays, time to go to work, etc. They have passed through time and into eternity. Avoid gatherings, go to the cemetery when it's quiet. Sit and meditate or pray, think about the good qualities of the deceased. Don't behave in a way to please or placate the living.
airlines along with governments and other companies and institutions who have lost out over the last two years are going to go into super suction mode to recover all losses even though they have been bailed out by governments to some extent, i am looking to get my family back to china from the phils, previous tickets were 12k pesos per flight now they are 85k per flight........from most of your postings you seem well above the average IQ or indeed seriously educated, that these savage prices will be the norm from now on and far out of reach for most Filipinos and indeed westerners too, as with all great worldy upsets, the first to recover will be the bigwig nonpersonal entities that you or I or our families don't belong to.....a hundred separate covid outbreaks will never bring us and those blue bloods together at any level......covid costs, prices, and refunds will keep this world apart........never to bond again......them and us
I've recently been checking flights to Amsterdam/Copenhagen from Dumaguete and I'm seeing prices around P80-100k round trip. Connection is through Taiwan, I can't see why it would be over 100k to go much less than half the distance. Maybe the flight being a year off has something to do with that? I plan on waiting until this pandemic is over to buy tickets. Hopefully the prices will go down by then.
try to look beyond the dgte leg, know that will be the expensive part per se, if look from hong kong to Amsterdam those prices are as reasonable as ever, can go Cebu to hong kong for relatively easy money, its somewhat cheaper than looking through manila.....( i have been searching for flights for over a year and possible connections)
It really varies wildly. When I was looking for flights for MNL - Berlin - MNL around May or June I had the choice of Economy with Singapore Airlines, or Business with Turkish Airlines, both for around PHP 90.000 round trip. Lufthansa was much more expensive and had next to no flights at all. Generally I think there's dramatically less international flights going to/from Manila right now. The day we left there were exactly 5 outgoing flights on the board for the whole evening.
I think you are correct - I checked August 2022 for Taipei to Ozamiz and prices were back down to about P20,000. Could be even less nearer the time because at some point they might need passengers.