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Asian University Rankings 2010 - Top 200

Discussion in '☋ Education ☋' started by newbie27, Apr 8, 2011.

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  1. newbie27

    newbie27 DI Forum Adept

    Trophy Points:
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    Asian University Rankings 2010 - Top 201
    source: topuniversities.com

    Rank School Name Country Classification Score
    ThE top 10
    1 University of Hong Kong Hong Kong B1a 100.00
    2 The Hong Kong University of Science and Technology Hong Kong C2a
    3 National University of Singapore (NUS) Singapore A1a 98.59
    4 The Chinese University of Hong Kong Hong Kong B1a 98.40
    5 The University of Tokyo Japan B1a 97.80
    6 Seoul National University Korea, South B1a 97.00
    7 Osaka University Japan B1a 96.40
    8 Kyoto University Japan B1a 96.09
    9 Tohoku University Japan B1a 94.70
    10 Nagoya University Japan B1a 94.20
    11 Tokyo Institute of Technology Japan C2a 93.59

    Philippine University that make it to the cut:

    58= Ateneo de Manila University Philippines C1d 65.40

    78 University of the Philippines Philippines A1c 61.40

    101= University of Santo Tomas Philippines A1d 54.40

    106 De La Salle University Philippines C2c 53.30

    201= University of Southeastern Philippines Philippines D3d

    201= Polytechnic University of the Philippines Philippines A3d

    201= Saint Louis University Philippines A3d

    201= Central Mindanao University Philippines D3d

    201= University of San Carlos Philippines A3d

    201= Mindanao State University Philippines A1d

    201= Xavier University Philippines C1c

    Sorry... no Silliman University make it to the cut. Indeed, this is a good news a lot of Philippines schools are showing up lately. For years, it used to be that 4 schools above from NCR. Congrats!!!
  2. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

    Trophy Points:
    +38 / 0
    well, maybe I read the table wrong, there are still only four in the top 200, all the next 300 are #201 (what means no further rating) and that includes Silliman ( at present at page 5 201= Silliman University Philippines C2d ).
    As a matter of fact, there is only 1 school in Dumaguete having a international recognized certification, where you need 92% in the final exams and can apply with that right away for that studied work job abroad without further exams and studies.
    Most of the others are simply brainwashing and telling students how great they are studying at that facility but teaching not much valuable.

    For younger members, we had plenty of discussions before about that topic and the value of education. here a link to my one of my older post what the government approved text-books teach:

    so don't wonder if no University shows up in better rankings...
  3. Masculado

    Masculado DI Member

    Trophy Points:
    +2 / 0

    newbie i wonder why you have a bad impression on silliman university? maybe your kid cant pass at Silliman at all, maybe its just montesori who accepts your child. Well montessori needs your money to be bailed of their debts at duplamilco lending.
  4. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Northern Junob, Dumaguete City
    +5,232 / 1,090
    :eek:Not only this school I would hazard a guess at, I am getting fed up with Putting my hand in My pocket every month to help Fund, what is primarily a State School. I think we will find that most Schools have their back to the wall and WCES seem to have Fund raising every Month. Summer School has gone up some 20% this year. Lee Plaza and Cangs are doing well out of Project Materials for my monster. 13 books, Recovered (New covers) before returning this year. I guess the Private Sector is hit harder. With Teachers saleries so low I do wonder where the money goes?? Sure is not on Education I know! :confused:

    Jack P. :smile:
  5. OP

    newbie27 DI Forum Adept

    Trophy Points:
    +2 / 0

    Being not enrolled in Silliman doesn't mean my kids didn't pass the entrance exams. Talking about my kids, I ask them where they wanna study whether here or back in Manila or what.The kids got here last June 2010, and I just got back here last October 2010. They choose that school so be it. Everyone can study anywhere at their choice...don't push people to study Silliman, let them decide wherever they wanna study. I'm a half pinoy, my mom is from here but I didn't study at Silliman and it doesn't mean I didn't passed their entrance exams or I don't like it. I got another choice of university to study. I'm a proud Atenean - Regis University student but it doesn't mean I don't like Silliman, It's Dumaguete's Pride... I salute that.

    By the way, I got nothing to be with held on the thing you mentioned "Duplamilco Debt" if that's really true, go ask the school for the payments don't ask me 'coz I don't even know the owner of that school. I'm just a parent of the 2 students of that school...nothing more to say. Is this how you welcome new people from this city?
  6. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

    Trophy Points:
    Happily Retired
    Northern Junob, Dumaguete City
    +5,232 / 1,090
    Only a few newbie!

    :smile:Just of late newbie, we have a few that think above their station, pay no attention to them, just keep on with your Quest, most of us, will always try and help and certainly try and point you in the right direction. Our children are important and I, for one, feel that some, do not pay enough attention to their needs. Thank You for the input on Face book. :wink:

    Jack P.:smile:
  7. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

    Trophy Points:
    +4,609 / 1,018
    Speaking of universities, there appears to be a click both in business and politics here of Silliman grads... All the older grads I met are bright and successful.
  8. OP

    newbie27 DI Forum Adept

    Trophy Points:
    +2 / 0
    Thank you jackpeterson... as they say, we can never please everybody. Well, certainly every person has different point of views... it's a matter of respect. Anyhow, this is a free country...lets buzz independently. Peace! :smile:
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