Dumaguete Info Search

Dumaguete to CDO......by car????

Discussion in 'Tourist Information' started by Howardsnewyork, Dec 21, 2012.

  1. Howardsnewyork

    Howardsnewyork DI Junior Member

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    I thought that there was a Roro that goes from Duma to CDO.....cant seem to find any info...
    C'mon guys....I hope that there is someone out there with some current info...
    I have to get to CDO ..( as well as a few other stops in Northern Mindano) and I thought that travel by car might be fun adventure...
    I have made the trip a few times to visit w/my wifes family and friends by air and bus...cebu to CDO or/& Butuan and also bus to Tandag....
    so....if you have any current info....do tell...thanks in advance...
  2. RR_biker

    RR_biker DI Senior Member Veteran Marines

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    There's or was a Roro ferry from Duma to Cdo once a week. When U R in Duma just informed @2GO ferry, they have an office near the entrance of the pier. Don't know what are the other stops in Northern Mindanao but U might also consider 2 take the Roro ferry from Duma 2 Dapitan; more frequently than the one weekly service between Duma - CDO. Besides the difference in rate is a couple of thousands peso you will never spend on gasoline or diesoline to get from Dapitan to CDO. In your case just inform around which is the best option.
  3. OP

    Howardsnewyork DI Junior Member

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    Thanks for the info....
  4. shadow

    shadow DI Forum Luminary

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    I believe 2GO no longer services Dumaguete (Maybe too many people complained about the smoke). There are several daily options to/from Dapitan. Dapitan is normally about a 5 hour drive from CDO, including a short ferry ride at Ozamis. The last time we were through this route (about 3 months ago) the road was in very bad shape between Iligan and CDO. Between the construction and the checkpoints, it took 4 hours by bus to get from Iligan to CDO (normally about 1.5 hours).

  5. Gass

    Gass DI Forum Adept

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    took the same route last month, still very bad. don't know about the time we needed, it was looooong
  6. shadow

    shadow DI Forum Luminary

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    Thanks for that, looks like we may have to go to Iligan in the next week or so. How was the road between Ozamis and Iligan? Better than between Iligan and CDO I hope.

  7. Black Pearl Trading

    Black Pearl Trading DI New Member

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    RORO to /from CDO and Dumaguete

    To all those seeking RORO service to / from CDO and Dumagete... I seek to move there, and just got this info (12/27/2012) from 2Go on RORO service.... Sepended do to Storm Damage in the Harbor In Dumaguete...

    Next travel by car from CDO to other locations on Mindanao Is a Long trip! Road conditions North are poor and local traffic a complete joke! I have only been here (in the Philippines) 8 months CDO is the only place I have seen but a WARNING... CDO is not Nice at all! City is grid locked, Dirty, and Hard to deal with and Over Priced! So travel from CDO to other points on Mindanao is very hard! Add the Typoon in early December and what was poor has gone down from that.

    Any Current info found on the True Harbor Condition or anyone finding RORO service from /to Dumaguete that is working Please post. I need to relocate as soon As Possible.
  8. shadow

    shadow DI Forum Luminary

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    You just described 90% of Philippine cities. CDO is lovely compared to many.

    Harbor ok, it is just 2GO that has a problem with it. All other regular shippers are still servicing Dumaguete. 2Go stopped servicing Dumaguete last summer after someone posted pictures of their smoke belching, not even close to a typhoon having taken place.

  9. Black Pearl Trading

    Black Pearl Trading DI New Member

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    I don't see the philippines as 90% bad and 10% good, What I did before I came here was spend 5+ years of chating with women on life here, culture and many other topics, each person I chatted with I looked at where they lived and what it was like... so 100's of locations! And not just a fast look at Tourist sites... I looked a land costs Homes for sale and many other factors.

    So Given I have only CDO as first hand, I can tell you that many other cities small and large are Not like here in CDO, based on seeing those places in detail on YouTube videos. This country needs management! That is where the first issue starts... forget money factor issues, or skill sets... a Stop sign would fix many issues on the Streets. But Davao is very nice! Why... local government Leadership! If I use Real Estate as a factor, CDO is way over priced when Davao is compaired... Dumaguete is Very low cost for a simple city. Expats have come here to the Philippines and Built huge homes to live a Western Style, and those come at a price! But use a 3-4 million price point you can get a Box under 100 Sqm in CDO Or a Nice home in Davao, same story in Dumaguete about 1/2 the price for the Same model from the same Developer being offered in CDO.
  10. shadow

    shadow DI Forum Luminary

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    LOL. First, I don't see the Philippines as 90% bad either, garbage, pollution, and gridlock is just part of the Philippines.

    You say you have been nowhere other than CDO, but CDO is much worse than other places because you have seen those other places on YOUTUBE??!!!?

    I have been coming here for close to 20 years, I have lived here 10 years straight (have not been out of the Philippines), and do a LOT of traveling throughout the Philippines, and seen hundreds of other cites up close and personal (Hint, not on youtube). CDO is one of the nicer places. You compare places but have never been there? ROFLMAO.

    Would you compare an apple and an orange without ever seen or tasted either? (Nevermind, from your most recent response I know that you probably would, yes)

    Come back and tell us this after you have BEEN in 100 cites and tell me different, not just judging by what you see on YOUTUBE!


    PS, to the best of my knowledge, there is only ONE stop sign in Dumaguete.