Greetings from the VA Manila Outpatient Clinic! Please be advised the U.S. Embassy to include the VA Manila Regional Office and Outpatient Clinic (OPC) have implemented new entrance requirements and has added to the list of restricted items that cannot be carried into a U.S. Embassy facility/property. In addition, Veterans are being reminded about important changes that became effective October 2, 2017. 1. No ID, No Entrance, No Exceptions: Effective October 1, 2017 the U.S. Embassy Regional Security Office no longer permit Veterans, attendants, and family members to enter a U.S. Embassy facility to include the VA Manila Regional Office and Outpatient Clinic without a valid picture ID. This includes all Veterans and their family members. Family members and attendants over the age of 14 will also need to provide a valid ID. 2. Prohibited Items: Laptop computers have been added to the list of US Embassy restricted items (e.g. any kind to include pocket knives, cameras, recording devices, and any larger electronic devices). Neither the U.S. Embassy guards nor VA staff are not permitted to accept or store the device. Also, taking pictures and recording videos are prohibited. Recordings will be subject to deletions. 3. Walk-in Hours: Veterans without a scheduled appointment may walk-in to the VA Manila Regional Office and Outpatient Clinic from 8:00 am to 1:00 pm. Veterans without a scheduled appointment may not enter the facility after 1 pm. 4. Beneficiary Travel Discontinued: Effective October 1, 2017, VA Manila Outpatient Clinic discontinued paying beneficiary travel. 5. Letters of Authority: Effective October 1, 2017, VA Manila Outpatient Clinic (OPC) discontinued issuing Letters of Authority (LOA) for all care that cannot be provided by (OPC). However, OPC continues to provide the same primary and specialty care, medications, laboratory, X-Ray and prosthetics services to qualified Veterans enrolled in the clinic. 6. Foreign Medical Program: Effective October 1, 2017, the FMP will pay or reimburse for all care and services outside of VA Manila OPC, e.g., outpatient, inpatient hospitalization, emergency care, diagnostics, dialysis, chemotherapy, etc. Veterans may pay the provider and then file for FMP reimbursement by submitting the bill and medical documentation to FMP, or their provider, if willing, may submit the bill and medical documentation for direct payment by FMP. Any non-service connected (NSC) care acquired from the community is at your expense. 7. Hospitals That Will Bill FMP: Listed below are hospitals that will accept the FMP “benefits authorization letter” and have agreed to bill FMP for care/services provided to treat the Veteran’s service connected conditions. Please present your FMP “benefits authorization letter” every time you need treatment in the hospitals listed below. Failure to present the FMP “benefits authorization letter” will require you to make outright payment for services and seek reimbursement from the FMP. Any FMP reimbursement claims that are not for service-connected disabilities will be rejected by FMP. · Avitus Kidney Care · Baypoint Hospital – Olongapo (Baypoint is changing their name to ACE effective November 1, 2017). · Divine Grace - Cavite · Lorma Medical City – La Union · Manila Doctors – United Nations (UN) Avenue · Metro Psychiatry Facility – Pasig · Sacred Heart - Angeles · The Medical City – Clark · The Medical City – Iloilo · The Medical City - Ortigas · St. Luke’s, Quezon City The OPC staff continue to meet with community hospitals to encourage them to transition from VA to FMP. Veterans are also encouraged to solicit their providers of choice to participate in FMP. The list above will be updated as facilities are added and/or deleted. The list of participating hospitals is subject to change without notice and the VA is not responsible if the facility above chooses not to participate. For additional information, please contact the VA Manila Regional Office or Outpatient Clinic by calling (02) 550-3888 and press the appropriate number.
Got my Letter for the FMP. Sounds good, but I had to ask a few questions. The one big one was the reimbursement. They said a US Treasury check would be issued for reimbursement. I asked if it could be direct deposited the same as our monthly compensation checks are? I have a friend in Bacolod that got a refund from the IRS and no banks would accept the US Treasury check up there claiming to many counterfeit checks showing up. Anyone here have any experience with getting these types of checks accepted at banks down here? I'll let you know what I hear back from them on the reimbursement process. Checks in the mail in this country? Not a good idea at all.
Got the reply from FMP. No direct deposit, they will mail you a US Treasury check to cash. Oh well, so much for an improved program. I will write to the Secretary probably and ask how this is in this day and age. I will use my Tricare, claims filing and direct deposit is much easier.
I stand corrected. Went to my BPI Bank on Perdices next to Jollibee and asked if they accept US Treasury checks. They said they do as long as you have a dollar account, with the customary 21 days to clear. Also sent an email to the VA wondering why they can't do direct deposit. Will wait or that reply.