HI ALL for years i have not been able to have a garden so when we shifted to South Bagacay we 3 to 4 meters on 3 sides of the house all in lawn , I set out removing a one meter wide of lawn on every fence and wall this gave me 52 running meters , 3 inches under the lawn was stonr n rubble used as fill to build up the bloch above street level so i had to bring in soil witch i purchased from the place that sells the plants near Red Cross office 70 peso a bag this i mixed with lots of carabao poo and rice hulls raising the beds 1 foot above ground level.I struck my seedlings in large plastic tubs, the first to be ready to eat were long beans , cucumer, okar pechay ,. first lot of tomatos grew well to flowering stage then got brown curly leafe and died off. the locals told me i should have sprayed them with a mixture of soap and garlic. As of today i have egg plant, peppers, corn, tomatos, pechay,long beans, cucembers, all growing strong n looking well. trying some lettuce in pots. Yesterday i visited Watsisname seen his great patch of tomatos and got some good advice on the type n use of fertilizer . i will keep going through the summer months and see what dies n lives . sorry to bore you but i had to tell some one lol .
Not boring at all...there seems to be quite a few of us that like to garden and every input is helpful as I am trying to figure out what works best in a tropical environment. Shawn
Alex, I agree with Shawn, when you are trying to turn a brown thumb into a green thumb all information is good, and not boring. The college I went to motto was: "Learn by doing". I have changed that thinking to "Learn from what others are doing before you start". So keep us up to date on what is happening with your garden. For many of us here, we feel we are entering into Spring so we are ready to plant. I have fallen into this thinking too. However we are actually heading into the hottest part of the year, and many of the plants we love to grow, do not stand up to the heat, particularly at the lower elevations. I am still planting but plan to take some of the advice of other locals and focus on really planting in May, after the hot season is over. The current stuff I am planting is more like experiments. @alex
Yes Dave they seem to say have everything ready to go first week in may , i am looking forward to that, i spoke before about some tomato seeds i got from the U.S.A their was 20 seed in each one pack marked tropical, i struck 9 seeds from each pack they were slow to germinate and look weak small plants compared to the Doctor Drown a m8 sent me from Australia. any one wants to try their hand are welcome to the ones i have left . ..
I will take two seeds, and you can spread your wealth around with others here. I think you frequent La Fiesta, or if there is some place else convenient for you maybe we can meet for a mini-Seed Exchange. Maybe others would join us. the larger scale seed exchange will meet before the May planting month. @alex @ShawnM
many of my neighbors are presently planting commercial crops of camote (sweet potato) in dry soil and they don't water/irrigate!!! in the past, we had to water EVERY day to grow greens but several months back we switched to watering every other day cuz we've been able increase the soils water retention properties with our worm compost. however, in the last few weeks we've been giving some of the moisture sensitive veggies (especially cukes) a little water on off days.
Dave i have only been to La Fiesta 3 times as we live near Hypermart we can catch up some were i have a problem with this sight at the moment and carnt send a private message , and when i post it does not show as sent . catch up soon i will send you a cel number as soon as i can
Although Flip Flops is not one of my favorite place, it should be convenient for you. We can lay things out on one of the tables away from the bar area during the day. If there is another place around you that you prefer post and suggest a date. I am busy on March 25 to the end of the month. @alex
My smart cel is 09399225205 my globe land line 422-9142 if you know Andys Private Gardens at the end of noreco road we can meet there 1 pm monday tx if ok or not. i can fit in any time
I have never been there, but I an find it. I will bring all the seeds I have. Anyone else that wants to join us is welcome. Bring the wives and GF so they can be entertained... lol @alex