I saw a gold dredge and Gold Bug metal detector in the classifieds section. Is there anyone on this list that prospects for gold? It seems like a good place for it.
Yes I am aware of some that have metal detectors and some treasure seeking bugs. First and foremost always keep what you search for and where you search (if in fact you do) on the extreme down-low. If your seen looking for precious things in the ground in the Philippines, that makes you the sugar and them the Ants. Gold is World wide and the majority of it unfound. Also, if you ever start a dig cross all the P's and Q's before you do and again, have the utmost privacy (if possible) when doing so. Cheers!
Ive got a pan here and have tried a few times in the rivers around valencia,zero results. There is a place in siaton there was gold found and some small nuggets. It started to get out of hand so the govenor shut it down.
I had heard about Siaton. Gold can be pretty localized but the area should have the same geology so if it is in Siaton there should be some gold around in other places, trying to find it is the fun part, although I doubt I'll more luck than you if I ever get over there.
Most people looking for gold in the PI are looking for the stuff from WWII, there is still TRILLIONS hidden throughout the country. But beware of looking, it could get ya put to sleep!!! Some say the CIA still keep their stash here for when they need it and they have people watching over it!!! That show on Discovery has gotten everyone all riled up again. There is a team here in Angeles on the hunt for their next season of the show!!! I don’t know if anyone watched the last season but if you try to research and see what is going on with what they found you will find nothing anywhere??? Unless someone has something I missed????? I know where my gold is just waiting for a good time to go dig it up, hehehehe hehehehe!!!!!!!!!
What about Spanish gold and other treasures they may have 'liberated'? I assume they shipped them back to Spain and that some galleons were wrecked at sea - so that may be where to look. Putting ourselves in other's shoes, I would hide treasure in the mountains in a cave or bury it - so again that could be another location. Only problem is that the sea and the mountains are both quite big! So good luck with that one. After three men died in Sibulan tunneling for gold, I think I read it is illegal to prospect ... so shhh! You will probably need to get your treasure out of the country, which is sure to be illegal and subject to confiscation. And finally, be aware of Fool's Gold (iron pyrite), especially if someone offers to sell you a gold seam.
After reading your last 3 posts it seems that you are once again in rare form ... rare form indeed LOL
Not sure what to make of that, so I researched "rare": 1. Coming far apart in time. Hmmm ... it is my age! 2. Unusual. I agree - people have told me that many times. 3. Thinly distributed over an area. Are we talking hair here? See '1'. 4. Not dense. Well thank ya all very much .