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growing odd things

Discussion in 'Horticulture' started by baltoed, Apr 5, 2014.

  1. baltoed

    baltoed DI Forum Adept

    Trophy Points:
    +18 / 6
    I always wanted to have a few large potted trees even if possible to give them a *go* ..if they got too big for a large pot Id then probably go plant them on my father in laws property up in Talay. Anyways..back to my point. Wondering if anyone has or knows anyone with either a cashew tree or cacao tree that I might get gifted viable seed to try to get started..If I ran into a large load of cashew tree farm Id love to see if I could collect enough fruit ( as the fruit is a throw away for the nut that grown out the end of it ) ..Enough fruit to make a small batch of cashew wine... yeah Im a wacko..*LOL*

    Also a tea plant/bush/tree..and whats with coffee? I see it green .. I buy it green here in Dumaguete

    anyone have growing any different hot peppers. Scotch Bonnie..or sumptin? out of a whole pack of seeds I got only one jalapeno plant struggling terribly.. No real interest in the super hots as they kill me..like habanero or ghost..well maybe one..lol