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(Home owners) Yah need it more in the Philippines

Discussion in 'Hobbies and special interests' started by Crystalhead, Mar 9, 2022.

  1. Crystalhead

    Crystalhead ADMIN Admin ★ Forum Moderator ★ ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ ★★ Forum Sponsor ★★ ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

    Trophy Points:
    Canada and Neg. OR.
    +2,037 / 1,093
    Thought I would start a thread about the constant and consistent runs to purchase the same darn thing, over and over for home maintenance . Will make a bullet list, here goes!
    . Extension cords..... think yah need 3....get 6 if yah need 6 get 10
    . Steal 2 tube epoxy.... think yah need one.... get 6
    . Marine epoxy.... think yah need 1 small set of tins, get 3 large
    . Electrical tape.... think yah need one get 5
    . Wood screws and hardened other screws,,,, think yah need 10, get 100
    . Zap straps and duck tape.... think yah need one of each, get 5
    . Steal nails and cement nails....think yah need a few get 50 of both in all sizes
    . Think yah need one can of paint.... get 2.... you will use it on something

    Could add so much more but hope that other Members will add that same darn thing yah have had to make a run for, again and again. Thanks in advance.
    - Outside of maintenance even, EG. I buy Tanduay 5 cases at a time and cigarettes 5 rims at a time (50 packs) Paper towel 40 rolls at a time.

    Have fun with it and remember.......... "It's Moooooooo toilet paper needed in the Philippines"
  2. God Bless Texas

    God Bless Texas DI Member

    Trophy Points:
    Roanoke TX
    +292 / 17
    Those plastic anchors for the screws, buy them by the 100's.

    Dog food, dont get 1 bag, get 4-6 otherwise it will be out of stock

    Any food item that reminds you of your home country (ranch and italian dressing) if you see it then buy it. It could be a LOOOOONG time before you get another oppertunity.

    Gas for the lawnmower, get enough for 3 cuts. And this is before the pice hikes. If the grass dies, put it into your car or motorcycle, it is still cheaper

    If you have a grocerylist, and you didnt find the item on the last 2 attemps, or you are at the 4th place looking for it, buy them all. I am proud to say my wife has figured this out!

    Drill bits, the 3.2, 3.5 and 4mm sizes in particular.

    Downey, never used it till I got here and now it is a staple

    Rebar- however much you need, add 25%

    It seems we could be creating our own shortage of supplies if everyone follows this. CH was right, this is dun and helpful to others.
    • Agree Agree x 1