Our maintenance tent has turned into a freaking bird sanctuary (there are 50+ birds flying in at night) and they are crapping all over everything. It is illegal to kill or capture the local wildlife but these d*mn birds have to go. Does anyone know of a way to make them go away? I have tried throwing things at them for an hour or so but they just keep flying around the tent. They just won't leave. Note: The tent is about 20-30ft high with lots of cables/rafters for them to perch on.
They come and sleep in the tent at night. lol No way in hell the Mongolians are letting a hawk or falcon be brought through the gate. But I did find this: So it looks like I just need to borrow a forklift to be able get up high enough to install these things. How to Keep Birds Away from Your Garden, Balcony and Roof - EnkiVillage
I'm going to try close the bay doors today but I'm afraid I won't be allowed to do that until they have already came in for the evening. (The vehicle maintenance guy says he will get in trouble if he closes it during the day....because people are too stupid to come to the side doors.)
They will only work in direct light and good sunlight, we used them back home to keep the birds of the veggies. Out there you're a bit limited to find anything. We also used plastic owls or Hawks which worked to some extent.
Nuke'em... maybe when you come back after the radiation hits you will have some extra limbs you GF may enjoy. that would be like taking care of two birds with one bomb.