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incident at ABC school today

Discussion in '☋ Expat Section ☋' started by expatron, Apr 26, 2011.

  1. expatron

    expatron DI Forum Patron

    Trophy Points:
    +514 / 126
    My daughter was in class attending summer school today when the class room suddenly started to stink and smoke was coming in.

    The teacher announced that someone outside was burning tires and that is very bad for you, all students should cover their mouth with their hand or shirt, leaving a small hole to breath.

    We all know how toxic burning tires are and I would have thought it would have triggered some sort of evacuation plan! But looks like I couldn't have been any more wrong! Now after my blood has stopped boiling, I wonder if there is any evacuation plan in place in any of the schools? Maby a simple "RUN FOR YOUR LIVES" Would be better than nothing.
  2. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

    Trophy Points:
    +38 / 0
    Ron, hope your daughter is fine and all is good.

    I know that there is a evacuation plan in SLS Don Bosco, but I highly doubt it would work and the advisers really know what to do in case of emergency.
    The advantage (and one of my considerations back when we decided to enroll our little one there) is the relative huge campus.

    They do practice emergency evacuations a few times a year, but we are all long enough here to know that in "real life" they probably do exact what you described above and most likely even try to get closer to the "action" to take pictures and texting a friend that something is happening.

    Our choice is to hammer enough common sense into our little ones and walk with them hand in hand through the school trying to teach them what to do in the not so unlikely event something happens, make them memorize our numbers and a few other contacts and hope nobody taller and stronger runs over them.
  3. OP

    expatron DI Forum Patron

    Trophy Points:
    +514 / 126
    Thanks Rhoody, sorry for the slow reply. I think I will try to talk to them next week and see what happens.