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Keeping this site updated is important

Discussion in '☋ General Chat ☋' started by Philippinediver, Aug 2, 2007.

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  1. OP

    Philippinediver DI Member

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    sounds good to me

    All sounds good to me. majority rules and you all seem to be happy. Let's police ourselves. I agree that this is an informative site but there is always room for improvement. Lets try not to duplicate threads and lets try to stay on topic if we can. As for the homepage I still think the local news section needs to be removed or brought up to date and anything more than a month old be discarded. But I am in the minority so what ever our fearless leader DANE decides.
  2. Rhoody

    Rhoody DI Forum Luminary

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    HI phil-diver,
    as I met the Dane on Wednesday evening for a check of the beer-temperatures in town and we had the discussion about the startpage, that "MC Donalds soon to open " is maybe a little bit old, and some changes will be done anyway. There will be more about local sites, maybe about diving and quite some other interesting stuff.
    Sad enough to know that he moves back to AC in a few weeks... So it's also a kind of "up to us" to keep the site up to date. If we send him some local news (not posting it on the board) he can edit it ad load it up. If he has to hire writers it may be the end of a free site. I am happy to give him a "political correct" article once a month, If we all do this, we can keep 'our' site quite up to date and he can choose what is good for the starting page...


  3. Smedley

    Smedley DI Member

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    I love this site!

    I for one, love this site.

    I will be honest, when I found this site, I did check the home page for updates and latest news. But after a while, looking thru the new and active posts, was more than enough for me. The people here are great, and the Price $ is right. Come on is it really that important.... maybe yes, maybe no...

    I don't think that make much of a difference, at least to me. If I need local news or city or country updates, there are plenty of other sites for that.
    This place is a wonderful forum to share experiences, ideas, and feelings about Dumgte... I still love it and it would not stop visiting due to the home page....
    Keep up the good work Dane and admin team
  4. Diver

    Diver DI Forum Adept

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    I think Dane you miss understand me.

    There is nothing wrong with this site, but I have seen many sites from webmasters who doesnt care what is going on on the site.

    Greetings J.Diver
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