Does anyone with TRICARE benefits receive their meds from Express Scripts pharmacy at their FPO box in CEBU? I have tried but they keep delivering to a different FPO address in Manila. I think it is a Military Mail Terminal. Will it eventually get forwarded to my FPO box? Have lived in Korea and Thailand and never had any problems. Any ideas on this one? Thanks in advance.
Laceman: I'm moving to the Siaton area next week from the states. I haven't checked yet but have you been able to get ExpressScripts sent to the PI in the past? I didn't think they would service the PI anymore...
Yes, but took a long time to arrive. I first registered for an FPO box with Retires Affairs Office CEBU. Used my address there as shipping address. Once it arrives there, they will forward to your Philippines address using LBC. I recently received an email from RAO SUBIC stating a proposal is being considered to remove retirees from the list of those eligible to receive postal service through the military postal system. No final word yet.