Thank the "Bone Spurs Billionaire" for this one. lol (Awesome comment section on this one.) Yup.....smh
The UI benefit reduction proposal from May was officially sh*t canned already. I am not sure how much I agree with the Choice Program to start with. Some Vets absolutely need a program like that do to medical/mobility issues. Moving the $3 billion/year to choice instead of fixing current VA facilities and staffing issues by definition does not fix those issues. Going 'downtown' to the doctor is convenient but having to teach 'civilian' doctors about Veteran specific issues is continual starting from square one. Hope this makes sense, I am skipping things so I don't end up writing a book, a trap I fall into a lot recently.
Wow. That must have been the quickest Congress has done anything. The article was only a month old. Veterans must have laid it on them thick to get that quick of an action. Handing it over to for-profit organizations is a politicians dream (Dem or Rep). They'd be getting amazing kickbacks from that. Note: Democrats started the Choice Program, Republicans are trying to beef it up now. I wonder why.