The Barangay and Sangguniang Kabataan (SK) Elections, originally scheduled for October 31, 2016 and previously postponed to October 23, 2017 to allow OPlan Tokhang to accomplish its work, is finally set for May 14, 2018. Lawful bans are scheduled in the 2018 Election Calendar. The prohibitions below could be relevant to expats, their family members and/or their community friends: April 14 to May 21, 2018 (Election Period) Carrying of firearms or other deadly weapons May 4, 2018 to May 12, 2018 (Campaign Period) Removing, destroying, obliterating, defacing, tampering or preventing distribution of lawful election propaganda May 4, 2018 to May 14, 2018 (Campaign Period, Election Eve, Election Day) Making any donation or gift in cash or in kind May 13-14, 2018 (Election Eve, Election Day) Giving, accepting free transportation, food, drinks, and things of value May 13-14, 2018 (Election Eve, Election Day) Selling, furnishing, offering, buying, serving or taking intoxicating liquor, etc. May 14, 2018 (Election Day) Opening of booths or stalls for the sale, etc. of wares, merchandise or refreshments within thirty (30) meters radius from the polling place