I heard today that "Dakota" was killed a handful of days back on his motor after being rear-ended by a truck in front of City Hardware. Nothing is on Hulagaway and haven't seen anything else in print. Didn't know much about him but I do know he left behind two adorable little daughters. Poor kids. RIP.
This is a tough one, given those of us who knew Dakota well enough to understand and accept he may have been outside the three-sigma rule (sorry to use a math term to attempt to describe this unique person). I texted Kojak who knew Dakota perhaps as well as anyone, both the real and unreal, and told him what happened. His comment was actually I liked the guy. I join him in saying I actually liked the guy. May Dakota rest in peace and may his two daughters find a good life.
Yes, I also say RIP. I wonder if I had met Dakota? What kind of bike did he ride? I would like to know more.
Never met him but I came upon the accident and had to drive around the bike. I was wondering what happened. Be careful out there now with the sugar cane trucks hauling their products to Bais. RIP
Has anyone seen or heard of a funeral notice for Dakota Apel? I haven't seen any newspapers articles but a local radio station reported no one pressed charges against the truck driver who killed him. A sad story with a sad ending.