People get carried away with Christmas here. Some people already have their decorations up. Don't they know it's still 363 days until Christmas.
I was thinking when I read it of "You know what you can do with that!" as in 'Stick it up where the sun doesn't shine'. But then I have an odd mind (please be free to 'Agree').
We put up our Christmas tree first week of December....then take it down a few days after New Year's day. Plastic trees so easy to deal with....if the wife wanted it setup in November, I'd be ok with it.
Coming up my Mom would set up the tree the day or so after Thanksgiving; the wife didn't set things up until after 1 December but no presents wrapped and put out until I got home on the 21st (not my rule) but am asking her when we can take it down...looks like after New Years. Sometimes you just have to roll with things. Shawn
''I think traditionally the tree comes down 12 days after Xmas day, thats what we follow because, so its said its unlucky to leave it up longer and who wantsto tepmt the Unlucky Deman.