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Teenage Kids (Daughters)

Discussion in 'Off-Topic Forum' started by Jack Peterson, Apr 6, 2015.

  1. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    :jawdrop: Odd really how we come through life being expected to know all things :facepalm: but every now and then a situation comes up that stumps you, You know what you should be saying but it is not the answer some one really wants.
    I often talk about our Princess here because I find other members have had the same or similar situation. I am never too proud to take advice especially when it comes to kids. If she were from the UK I could gauge things better but of course she is a Filipino and as such there is a whole world of difference.
    It looks like we have found the help we have been looking for but the age Difference is only 5 years between the young Lady and our Daughter. So because we operate an Open Life style we always try and involve her (TM) when we think it is Right to do so. On Learning the Salary and Conditions of the young Lady we think we will employ the inevitable Question came up. HUH! and what will be my new allowance :rolleyes: Less, I at first joked as there are things that you will not be Doing that you should be. She never sees things from the real perspective in that she shy's away from the thought that the money paid to the help is Salary not an Allowance.

    So I ask you all out there, What is a fair allowance for a 15 year old? bearing in Mind that she has Everything, Never has to catch tricycles anywhere, always someone to take and fetch her. Mama always makes sure that she has Load on the Phone. (I will not let her go post paid or unlimited.) She gets 300 per week Lunch allowance for school and 500 Allowance. Am I in the right ball park here? Weekends she gets Extra for Town with her Friends and Well, the list could go on.
    I am not sure if other members here have a Teenager/s of the same age but if you do, What are your thoughts on this? To me somewhere, the value of money has to start somewhere and I feel it is here now with the Allowance issue. I Upped it to 650 per month Allowance :greedy:

    Thoughts/ Advice anyone!:cautious:
    Have I got it right? or anywhere near?

    JP :bag::wideyed:

  2. Best Answer:
    Post #7 by blueskies, Apr 7, 2015 (5 points)
  3. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    I think she is just wanting to have a little extra independence from the 'rents and not have to come ask for money every time she wants to do something or have it rationed out like she is a child. Maybe try increasing it by a couple hundred pesos and giving her 2 weeks at a time and see if she can manage the money. I'll stop pretending to understand teenagers now.
  4. OP
    Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    :thumbsup: I daresay you are right, we went down to the Local bar for lunch in the End and had quite a long and intelligent Chat ( Well for me it seemed intelligent)
    We Agreed 800 a month paid at 400 per Fortnight. Then she hit me with but daddy (cute little madam) if I need it all at once that's for me to say/ask yeah? :cautious:
    So we got an agreement now lets just see how things go. :shifty:
    Dustin, I gave up trying to understand teenagers 20+ years ago with the other 3 but this one is a whole New Ball Game.:woot: Now, I am back to the good mood for the rest of the day :eek: or at least til Mama comes home and learns what went off.:blackeye:

    But deep down I know she will be pleased that Dad and his Princess have struck a deal.:meh: One Hopes anyway.

    JP :bag::whistling:
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  5. horizon155

    horizon155 DI Forum Adept Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor

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    just make sure you give her enough to sing a few karaeoke songs, or get some junk foods, but not enough at once to pay for a hotel room or spend it unwisely if you catch my drift.:cautious:
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  6. OP
    Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    :jawdrop: Never thought about it that way but yes and of course it is something all Dad's fear I know.:eek:
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  7. Dave & Imp

    Dave & Imp DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    You must always remember when dealing with Children: "Insanity is inherited, we get if from our kids." :wink:
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  8. blueskies

    blueskies DI Forum Adept

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    Best Answer
    At 15, my daughter was on first year university her allowance was on tight budget just like all the mothers are, but my darling bana doesn't know the real value of pesos! so behind my back she gets more! Her weekly allowance was 800pesos; she has to pay the trikes,cellphone load,and lunch for 6days at school. If she has something extra to buy like school supplies she has to provide receipts, if she wants to go out with friends she gets 500pesos per month. Every semester if she gets very good grade like A, then we gave her a ticket abroad(its also part of educating filipino kids).
    She also gets salary when we gave her some jobs like during our construction projects she pays the workers salary every saturday(about 49workers), she made all cash withdrawals from bank to valencia. From that experienced she was able to learnt that the laborers makes only 200pesos/day, so she really have to study hard not to be a laborer! heheheh

    From 15-18 girls are Mad!!! they probably get it from the women of course!!!the hormonal imbalance is extremely crazy!!! they are like aliens! they don't know us and we don't understand them! :blackalien::blackalien::blackalien:
    But at the end, my husband and I succeed! she graduated university at the age of 19 and had her officially boyfriend. Parents, is the toughest job in the world i must say, we are like attorneys,psychologist,soldiers,timekeeper(because my husband has to wake her up every single f---ng day!!) and ATM's....

    Now, she's 20 and away from us maybe for 3 years..and boy! we miss her like crazy!!! my husband is more affected, i saw him worries more than i do, he cries i cry...we have to see her on skype at least once a week otherwise life becomes tooooo boring.:dead::dead::dead:

    Well, JP we will all manage well...we may hate them but we are crazy in love with them... wait tell she comes and ask you nicely and sweetly like an angel asking you an extra allowance...your tiny little heart will melt and reply please don't tell your mother...:wink:
    • Thanks Thanks x 1
  9. OP
    Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    :cautious: "Nightmare in Junob" :bookworm: guess we could all write books about the offspring's :facepalm: Have you got cams in my House? That is exactly what she has done not 30 mins a go.

    JP :bag: :geek:
  10. blueskies

    blueskies DI Forum Adept

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    Here’s some few heads up for future reference JP;

    When she was almost 16, we had a helper aged 20, I hired her to accompany my daughter because we are most of the time out of town. So, while away for almost a month; she and the helper celebrates freedom party in the house! First thing they did was buying a bottle of Gilbey’s Gin and a Pomelo powder juice(she must have learned this at school), they locked the whole house and closed all the curtains because we have neighbors that I hired also as a look out. They started drinking(just her &the maid) from 4pm until they knocked out with the vomit that my dogs help them to cleaned up! Holy moly!! They finished the bottle and skip their dinner and breakfast! And of course they must have made a blood compact promise not to tell the mother.:banghead::banghead::banghead:

    Very important, when she/he start to request a boarding house in the city or sometimes sleep over with the friends or classmates never and never allow! Offer her a ride to take her back home after the party is over! There’s plenty of assholes.. pushers and freaks!! Some of my daughters friends and classmates got pregnant,drop out at school and also engaging drugs, she told me some girls got drunk and could be rape because they don’t know how to handle alcohol and some cute guys offer Mj or Meth. There’s also groups of guys targets a well off daughters so be careful.:hurting::hurting::hurting:
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  11. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Completely defeating the purpose when you mix those two. Kids these days! :rolleyes:
    • Funny Funny x 1