Cable subscribers can now enjoy an aquarium on TV. With the channel in high definition, the experience is like having your own, real-life aquarium at home. Fish lovers of SKYcable and Destiny Cable in Mega Manila can watch the soothing scenes on Ch. 244. SKYcable subscribers in Cebu, Davao, Bacolod, Iloilo, and Baguio can tune-in to The Aquarium Channel HD on Ch. 752. Only SKYcable provides quality home entertainment with the widest-range of standard and high definition digital channels, with over 190 channels and other top-of-the-line services such as flexible subscription options via SELECT; iRECORD that records, pauses, and rewinds live TV; as well as real-time coverage of live concerts and sporting events via FREE VIEW and PAY-PER-VIEW. Continue reading... So umm....yeah.....quality TV! I guess this goes in "Hobbies and Special Interests"? Slow news day.