You understand now why you came this way. I'm an old CS&N fan. Besides the high standard of living and the gourmet foods, I came here to explore the Southern Cross and the Southern Milky Way. I'm including some photos taken during the recent Saturnalia holiday. Happy New Year! I didn't do much last year, but I'm gonna give it hell this year.
Have you any pics of the dark side of the moon. Only kidding. maybe the Chinese will send some. Great photos as usual, I might get a scope and scan the planets and stars, I'm a complete beginner.
Most people do not realize that the Moon actually rotates around it's axis. This rotation occurs at the same rate as the Moon revolves around the Earth (a "synchronous" orbit). So we always see the same side of the Moon in the sky. The "far" side of the Moon actually sees daylight as often as the "near" side. NASA's Lunar Orbiter has taken some great images of the other side of the Moon. China's "far" side landing is indeed a first. However, I am still very much bewildered why no human has left Earth's orbit in over 46 years! (since the Apollo 17 mission in 1972). If you need any help in choosing or setting up a scope, let me know! One of the main reasons I joined this forum was to promote stargazing here. Astronomy here is considered a "Black Art"!
Amazing photos. Looks like you and I have similar hobbies, although I haven't done any astrophotography before, it may need to be something I look into when I'm retired there soon!
Bring more telescopes I haven't done any astrophotography either. I just like taking snapshots of the cosmos.
Your picture of the southern cross looks way better than my first time seeing it. Even if I didn't still have Tabsco sauce in my eyes from WOG day.