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Will Our Quarantine be Lifted

Discussion in 'COVID-19' started by PatO, Apr 9, 2020.

  1. NYC

    NYC DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force

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    I thought I had gotten used to Filipino names that were particularly foreign-sounding to American ears. But I am not sure I can get past the provincial info officer's name without at least a mental giggle. I know, very rude and likely very prejudiced. But, really....
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  2. djfinn6230

    djfinn6230 DI Senior Member

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    Thank you for this clarification by showing the GCQ as issued by Duterte.

    Frankly, it is good news to some of us. Too much of the reported news incorrectly reports the important details that affect only a few people. Media often does not get it 100% correct and even spokesmen do not have proper knowledge of such details if they only impact a few people.

    The move towards “central control” of quarantine requirements is also a very wise move; kudos to them! I suspect IATF and the Administration realized that many local officials were playing it too safe by placing unnecessary NCR-style limits in places where risk is much lower than NCR. I suppose this was to avoid any possible accusations they might fear from detractors or media of being irresponsible for being too lenient. Now they are unburdened of that criticism with the decision being taken out if their hands.

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  3. Mikal

    Mikal DI Member

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    Yep, but better late than never I think. So I wonder if they'll use the provincial classifications when deciding what and when to open up some borders between provinces.
  4. Mikal

    Mikal DI Member

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    I have yet to see any authoritative source advertising that list of GCQ rules. I've actually seen some different lists from some news sources. What's come out officially, to date and to my knowledge has been less specific. Things like:

    "The IATF likewise recommended a set of minimum health standards to be implemented starting April 27. The Department of Health, the Department of Transportation, the Department of Trade and Industry, the Department of Labor and Employment, and the Department of Public Works and Highways (DPWH) will prepare the guidelines by April 25.

    LGUs previously under ECQ but remain under GCQ starting May 1 will allow workers to go out and work in phases. Young people, senior citizens and those with high health risk would have to stay at home.

    For GCQ areas, restricted mall opening covering non-leisure shops would be allowed. There will be mandatory temperature check, mandatory wearing of masks, and mandatory alcohol use. Limited number of people, particularly those with age 21 to 59, with ID and not looking sickly, would be allowed to go inside

    But then we end up with more specifics from different news sources - one or more of which might be reasonably accurate. Or not. We just can't be sure yet, we can't really even know how things might morph or be tweaked as they roll down to specific provinces and / or LGUs.

    CCN Philippines writes:

    "GCQ rules
    Presidential spokesperson Harry Roque on Friday laid down the rules for those living in areas where the GCQ is in place:

    1. Selected workers in nonessential services are allowed to go to work. Companies in electronics, exports, manufacturing, e-commerce, delivery, repair services, maintenance, and housing can resume full operations as long as they observe minimum health standards such as physical distancing. Those in finance, business process outsourcing (BPO), and non-leisure trade and services can have half of its employees work from home while the remaining 50 percent are working on site. Schools, amusement centers, leisure facilities, gaming, and tourism services must remain closed

    2. Children (0 to 20 years old), elderly (60 years old and above), and people with high-risk health issues are not allowed to go out of their homes

    3. Non-leisure shops in malls are allowed to reopen. Malls should limit entry of shoppers and implement mandatory temperature check and mandatory use of masks and alcohol. They were also told to turn up the airconditioning temperature and stop offering free WiFi to discourage people to "linger" inside the malls

    4. Priority construction projects can resume

    5. Nonworkers, except children, elderly, vulnerable people, are allowed to buy food and go out to avail of essential services

    6. Public transport can operate at reduced capacity to ensure social distancing

    7. Local government units shall enforce curfew for nonworkers

    8. Airports and ports can only operate for the unhampered delivery of goods

    There are still some restrictions that will be implemented to stop people from loitering around. For one, Roque said malls that will reopen next month are required to keep the centralized temperature at 26 degrees Celsius and to shut off the free wifi service. Minimum health standards like the wearing of masks, taking of body temperatures, and handwashing protocols will also continue to be enforced.

    Meanwhile, Interior Secretary Eduardo Año said those who will head out of their homes in areas under GCQ must always bring an ID to prove that they are aged between 21-59. He added that checkpoints will remain along city or provincial borders.
  5. anti_crazy

    anti_crazy DI Forum Adept

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  6. danbandanna

    danbandanna DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Roque quoted the GCQ rules and they state 20 and under 60 and over must stay home ... I know .. I am confused too.. waiting for clarification
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  7. fahr_side

    fahr_side DI Member

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    I have neighbors denied access to Duma because they’re over 65. No kids at home, helpers left for home before lockdown. What are they supposed to do? No one cares.
  8. Martin143

    Martin143 DI New Member

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    received_225321148889669.jpeg y received_704341390337440.jpeg received_279091173265795.jpeg A Troublesome situation like COVID19 may cause us to be easily bombarded with anxiety. A consoling, assuring words and information from the source of comfort can help. It helps me and it will help you too. Keep safe.
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  9. djfinn6230

    djfinn6230 DI Senior Member

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    Press interpretations of these rules are frustrating. For 60+, reporters are rather flippant and don’t seem to care if they get it right. They seem to boilerplate from other media news reports so most say the same thing. Consider this interpretation on Rappler:

    “Can people go out? The general population may only leave their homes to access basic necessities. Still, persons aged 0 to 20 years old and those who are 60 years old and above must stay at home. People with risk factors like lung and heart disease and diabetes cannot go out.”

    Risk factors, “cannot go out”. Really?

    If you have lung and heart disease, how is it enforced that you not go out? What happens when you get stopped to prove you have no risk factors? Everyone over 20 and under 60 must produce a Medical Certificate stating “no risk factors like lung and heart disease and diabetes”? What is diabetes considered to be here? Blood sugar after fasting >100? >129? A1C >6? Impossible to obtain proof of no risk factors. (Off topic, diabetic risk factors a quite high here compared to the US for some reason).

    Or, are you people with risk factors just “urged” not to go out? Or follow the honor system?

    Anyway, on April 27 an actual documented new GCQ set of rules is supposed to come out which should be better than these guesses by the reporters so I wouldn’t consider any of these current reports valid. I do suspect 60+ will have a hard curfew however, not out of any particular concern for “elderly” but because the earlier 65* templates (but with the newer 60+ typo) from the earlier rules will just be copied over. In that case, due to our personal situations, I know that some 60+ will be forced to go to banks or ATM’s after all these weeks, and to other places where they cannot send others and/or no younger available anyway. They have to pay NORECO and water. The grace period for NORECO is running out and DCWD water district doesn’t care...they are broke...they never had an EHQ grace period! They told me so. Please Don’t suggest going to the Barangays, they will NOT assist you and you should not give them your atm card and pin in any case. But thanks anyway for the advice). Our biggest risk will be COVID19 from crowded detention, not covid19 from standing in line wearing a mask at an ATM machine or pharmacy. As a member, I will definitely inform PRA (SRRV) of this thoughtfully implemented plan for retirees after they PRA opens up again, fww. I know, incoming flames. But what do you expect from old people? It us our MISSION to complain about everything lol.

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  10. djfinn6230

    djfinn6230 DI Senior Member

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    Right. They don’t give a sh*t. Besides, they have no power anyway from higher authorities to grant exceptions so it is not their fault. Sucks. BTW, age limit is reduced from 65 to 60 so we welcome the newcomers to our SH niche.

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