Night divides the day. I decided to break on thru to the other side and capture some Milky Way photos from the boulevard. I could not believe all the unshielded lights that were installed. At 4am it was like daytime, and I could not see any stars. Even in Las Vegas I could see stars at night! I'm all for pretty lights, but shield them. Focus the light down, don't disperse it into the sky. My goodness. So I had to go back to my jungle observatory to capture some neat photos. Even got a glimpse of the recent comet.
Out here, the more the light is spread the better... sorry astronomy buffs. Fancy terms like light pollution, take a distant backseat to more pressing issues like traffic management and parking issues, especially when the people of the entire province of Negros Oriental have nowhere else to go for business, employment, health care, pleasure and what have you...but tiny Dumaguete.
Well, maybe they can address light pollution when they resolve the traffic management and parking issues, which are also fancy terms.
Okey-dokey. I reckon we all have our pet peeves. For me, traffic and parking issues take a "distant" back-seat to the poverty and corruption issues here. Maybe I spent too much time driving in Manila, LA, Seattle-Tacoma area and the Beltway around DC to be affected by the terrible gridlock here. But I still think it would be nice if they put shields around those lights.