Dumaguete Info Search

Moving to Dumaguete

Discussion in 'Expat Section' started by DJ Jones, Aug 15, 2014.

  1. DJ Jones

    DJ Jones DI New Member

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    Hello to all the Expats living in Duma,

    My spouse and I are expecting our first child and would like to raise our child in Dumaguete. We are thinking hard about purchasing property rather than renting (Renting will be short term). So, we are interested in buying land and eventually building on the property. Also, we are planning on putting up a dental clinic, (she graduated from one of the top universities in the Philippines) and has a solid reputation as doing excellent work.

    My question is this (we are both new to this process): What are the procedures that we have to take to buy property? What are the legalities? I have searched online and it seems there is only partial information available. I would like to hear from other expats that have or are doing the same as us. We have both heard of shady dealings which is sadly, common place. Are there fair contractors who do excellent work that perhaps someone could recommend?

    What about a dental clinic? I know there are a lot of dental clinics around, but we have seen some terrible work done. Any thoughts?

    Any assistance would be greatly appreciated as we are both excited to be making this move!

    DJ Jones

    P.S. I don't mind if someone would like to email and share their experiences. I look forward to getting to know the expat community there. I can include my email in another post if need be, thank you very much.
  2. oztony

    oztony DI Senior Member Blood Donor

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    Hi DJ , my opinion is probably best to get boots on the ground for a while before buying , rent somewhere for a bit and give yourself time to familiarise yourself with the terrain , buying is a very meticulous , careful process if you don.t want grief . If and when you find the right property pm me and I will put you in contact with a trustworthy and very competent local attorney to make sure your investment is secure .
  3. OP
    DJ Jones

    DJ Jones DI New Member

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    Thank you Oztony, I will surely relay that message to my partner, I am sure she will be in full agreement. In researching Duma, I have heard mostly nothing but good things. Of course there are always something happening, but that goes without saying. I will definitely PM you in light of finding something in the area.

    Much appreciated
  4. shadow

    shadow DI Forum Luminary

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    I think that most new expats who come here and buy property right away soon regret it. Countless are the stories of them getting scammed, deceived, confused about details, or misled. It usually burns them out so bad that they then hate the place, and they leave within a few years. Some do not even complete their building projects before they are fed up and leave.

    Slow down, what's the hurry? Spend some time here before you buy, look around, stay on the property in a tent for a week to see what it is really like.

  5. OP
    DJ Jones

    DJ Jones DI New Member

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    Thank you Larry for the response, the more and more we think about it, renting and getting our feet wet slowly is sounding better all the time. As you stated, I have been reading stories all day about people, foreign and filipino getting taken advantage of. I think we will do what others have been suggesting and take our time, establish ourselves there, and see how we like it.
  6. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    And before investing in a dental clinic, go ask about dental work and see what rates people are getting here. Most services here are ridiculously cheap. While it may be good for her to get back to work, starting your own clinic may not make financial sense. Or maybe it would. Just check it out.

    Actually, here is what you need to do. Put away all thoughts of moving to the Philippines. Forget that you are doing it until the day you have to jump on the plane. Do your needed preparations to take a long term vacation, but forget about specifics. Think of it as something that will be totally spontaneous, so you won't need to make plans.

    People always go crazy with the planning before they get here. They ask all kinds of questions and make detailed plans. The planning takes on a life of its own.

    In fact, throw out all your plans completely and then just do whatever feels like the right move after you get here.

    Raising your child here means you have like maybe 6 - 8 years before you move back. That's about the age where most expats here decide to take their kids back. Or maybe prepare a home school program. I help support a bunch of kids going through different private schools here and they are horrible. I'm thankful every day that I got a decent education back in the U.S.
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  7. baltoed

    baltoed DI Forum Adept

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    I have lived on two different islands.. 4 locations...5 years.. learn from mistakes of others !!.. rent first ...buyers beware of the commitment
  8. OP
    DJ Jones

    DJ Jones DI New Member

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    Thank you for the input Dude; about the clinic, we are looking at doing as you stated for her to get back to work and do what she loves. We wish to establish a place where expats and Filipinos can feel comfortable knowing that the work they are receiving is of the highest quality and standards (seen some terrible work done). We have surveyed clinic prices, not locally in Duma, but in the Philippines and the prices are relatively low in comparison to Western standards. We just want to compete, provide quality service and make a living which we are currently doing in Pampanga. However, we have read many posts and feel that renting is in our best interests at this time.

    Again, thank you for the input and head's up!!!
  9. Pigbelk007

    Pigbelk007 DI Junior Member Showcase Reviewer

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    Hello TheDude, I am actually going to be moving My wife , 7 year old daughter and I back to the Philippines after leaving 5 years ago. we will be moving to Dumaguete specifically for her schooling as I've been hearing a lot of good about certain Private Schools and how some are a lot better than others. Can you point me in the right direction as too the your opinion on the best school? I would greatly appreciate it. We presently live on Cape Cod, Massachusetts and the schools here leave a lot to be desired to say the least.
  10. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    The main private schools are Don Bosco, Cittidini, Holy Cross (those 3 are catholic), Silliman, and One International School (used the England school system). Let me know if you would like further information.
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