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Best Pizza in Dumaguete?

Discussion in 'Dining - Nightlife - Entertainment' started by swordfish549, Nov 6, 2014.

  1. swordfish549

    swordfish549 DI New Member

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    Who sells the best pizza in Dumaguete? The real stuff? New York or Chicago style?
  2. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    You are asking a bit much there. I have never found a good deep dish pizza in the Philippines. Pizza Hut in Cebu makes deep dish pizza but it is far from good. Never even found a New York style on the menu anywhere in PI. I'm sure there must be at least one in Cebu and a couple more in Manila somewhere.

    Olongapo had a decent deep dish pizza place but the owner screwed up and got busted for back child support in the tune of 1M+ USD. So that is no more.

    For decent pizza in Dumaguete you should see Hayahay.

    There is a bar, whose name will not to be mentioned on this website (for legal reasons), that used to have good pizza but now isn't worth visiting due to new/horrible management.

    I heard there is a resort that has pizza a couple times a week but I can't remember the name at the moment.

    Zoe's used to serve pizza that was decent but I'm not sure if they do that anymore.

    Rumors of another pizza place that's going to open up around Dumaguete and knowing the owner and his resume I'd say it is going to be nothing less than exceptional.
  3. gerry_bc

    gerry_bc DI Forum Adept

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    Le Tondru Beach, had wood fire pizza thursday thru sunday from noon on. Same builder of the woodfire oven that made the other place worth mentioning before. Located at K10.8 just before San Miguel. Look for big pizza sign and head to the beach....
    • Informative Informative x 1
  4. Ten Twenty Lenny

    Ten Twenty Lenny DI Member

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    Hayahay Just ask for the DOUBLE CRUST and some extra sauce on it...Not Bad But no where near what your asking for...
  5. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    You have got to be kidding me. I know all about the situation, but now we can't even mention certain businesses in normal conversations? Did you add this business to the list of rules?

    Hayahay: Great pizza but probably different from what you are used to. But different is good. Different is why we are here. My favorite there is the "Hot Mamma." It's really spicy and I used to eat out to get this pizza more often than I would go out to any other place. So, not only my favorite pizza, but among my favorite meals. Calling this a pizza compared to back home is a bad comparison though. It's round and has cheese, but back home it would still be a favorite to eat. Again, different. My main complaint with Hayahay is that during the day the staff seems to disappear. I usually end up ordering straight from the cooks, grabbing my drinks from the bar and then paying at the bar after flagging down the person working behind the bar.

    Shakey's: Many would disagree with me on this, but the thick crust "Belly Buster" is probably the closest to the pizza I know from back home. I like the pizza, but for the cost I would rather eat elsewhere. Compared to my preferences back home, this pizza would just be "okay." Shakey's also has some good salads, wings and other side dishes. Overall a decent place to eat but relatively expensive for the area. My main complaint with Shakey's is that the crust is a bit hard. If you leave it out for a bit, the crust tends to get a bit like cardboard and can be a workout for the jaw. It's okay when fresh out of the oven though.

    Garcia's: This location has gone through some rough waters in management lately. It's now settling and looking to move forward with a new chapter and improvements. I eat there every week and I have been a customer from the beginning. I feel that their pizza now is as good as it has ever been. Their personal 6" pizza is super cheap. The owner should pay me commission because the last two times I have been in there, the person next to me looked over at my pizza, said "that looks good" and ordered their own. Another great thing about Garcia's is that their staff is among the most attentive that I have seen anywhere. My main complaint with Garcia's is that the management changes have created a bit of confusion. The staff doesn't always have answers for simple questions and the menu seems to be a bit in flux. This will greatly improve in short order though. The owner is really pushing to take this place up another notch.

    One Love Cafe: This is a Jamaican place and pizza isn't their main dish. The owner is friendly as has lots of great stories. I love the look he has put together for the place and the music he plays. The food is cheap and good. I prefer Garcia's for the pizza, but I do get pizza from One Love occasionally. I try to get in there a couple of times a week because aside from the great food, I really want to see the place succeed. My main complaint for One Love is that the road noise can get really bad because they are right on the side of the highway. They also need more fans, because it gets too hot in there during the day.

    Edited to add: Hayahay is my favorite place to eat in general. However, I don't get there often these days because I'm rarely in that part of town and my favorite meals are geared for two people. I went there all the time when my girlfriend lived here with a motorcycle. These days I'm eating solo and I take a pedicab or walk.
    Last edited: Nov 6, 2014
  6. sntmig

    sntmig DI Forum Adept

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    As for consistency,value and overall appearance and taste, try Why-Not on the Boulevard..If you want Pizza,a nice view ocean view, at a resort,go to El Dorado (same owner ,so same pizza)

    ps gerry-bc..Its Le Toundra Peak resort.....I thought the pizza was just ok and a little expensive for the place.

  7. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    Ah, man. I'm bummed out. I took a lot of time to write that post and parts of it are censored out?

    Again, I know the situation, but businesses are separate entities than people. Ownership and staff change and often the businesses live on.

    I consider something as simple as eating a pizza as part of my standard of living here and I feel it's important to be able to talk about that experience when discussing this place we live in. This is Dumaguete Info. To censor my posts is to take the soul out of them. Why bother posting?

    I know I don't have a perfect history for being objective. I have written some B.S. before and I have learned from those posts. Now I'm done with that. But there still seems to be a bit of politics on the forum. You mentioned that X is horrible but you can't mention it and Y is just a rumor and it's going to be great. Why say anything at all about a place you haven't tried since the management change and a place which doesn't yet exist? If you are reviewing locations, then why not just stick to places which you have eaten at recently? There are a ton of pizza places in town. I'm sure that Whynot has great pizza, but I can't talk about that because I haven't eaten there.

    You mentioned legal reasons for not being able to post about X bar here. I would buy into that if you didn't post at one time that the forum is a U.S. based business and not subject to laws in the Philippines.

    I can't b*tch too much because I think you are a swell guy and I look forward to annoying you over a beer when you get back. I would love to hear an explanation though.
  8. Dave & Imp

    Dave & Imp DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    I truly hope you do not eliminate the B.S. out of your posts as I have found your post in the past both informative and entertaining. They are not all B.S. but with out the B.S. your posts would be like a pizza without cheese and seasonings. My own posts would not be as entertaining without some of my humorous sarcasm.... so is life.

    Let us keep the cheese on the pizza, and instead of ordering deep dish pizza, consider developing a thick skinned attitude so we can all be entertained by our various personalities here without being offended. I know we are not in American but we still have some limited rights to have our own opinions and freedom in speech.

    Notice that the word "pizza" was "snacked" (word processor would not find snacked) into my post so it could belong on this thread about "pizza."
    • Like Like x 3
  9. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    Thank you. And don't worry, I don't intend to change my style of writing. More specifically, the B.S. I was referring to was posts (both here and on Facebook) which were a bit "insensitive" towards local small businesses. After conversations with a number of local owners, I can see how my humor can feel like an attack to them. I only want to help people succeed here and I want for my efforts to help local business owners, not hurt them.

    This includes Dumaguete Info. Sorry for going off-topic on this thread. This thread should be for good information on pizza. Dustin, feel free to edit my off-topic posts in this thread if you like. I just feel a constructive review on a place which is open for business here should be okay.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    I haven't been there for a while, due to a diet, but Pasta King used to have great pizza (for here). Also, if you enjoy a thin crust pizza, try Neva's.