Anyone see any of the local news sites yesterday! It was also on local radio news, the lto and police have said they will start to enforce this law and will be checking with a decibel meter. Probably another law which will drift into the archives!
Is that for Dumaguete or somewhere else? Will they do that as the are checking for helmets? It seems like this city likes to be a top spot for foreigners but seldom seem to do anything to make it better for foreigner tastes. :( Implementing the noise laws on motorcycles would go a long ways toward making many foreigners happy here.
Dave, I agree with you but when did any Agency here, do anything to make a Tourist/Foreigner HAPPY? Even the Tourist Police find it hard to Say Good Morning or Whatever. Let alone those of us that have been here years Ploughing 000's of peso into the Economy No matey we are only Good for Spending:p JP
Seems like a morning of agreements, as I agree with you also. I tried changing the country for better but found it easier to change myself, not particularly for better, with low dosages of Tanduary Rhum, hell they do not even spell "rum" the way I do so why should I expect much agreement on anything else. Getting wound up here now, so it is time for another dosage of my favorite calmer... Have you realized the natives that benefit the lease from our presence here are the ones that treat us with the most respect, because they are respectful people. The powerful people and politicians seem to treat us with disdain, the same disdain that they treat their constituents. because they are afraid of us, until the next need for international aid from natural disasters or arrogant wars. . .
If the lto enforced this lot all over the place, look at the income they would generate. I know it's only a dream. Only this morning heading the other side of town a police officer passed me up the inside with no helmet and no tail light what so ever
I agree, but we do tend to forget the low cost of living here and the loving women, there is always a trade off.
Note that the memo above says "aftermarket exhausts are permitted". It says nothing about a decibel level in the memo, just that there should be no visible damage (I hope you guys haven't had any accidents), no internal components are missing (because the police are educated on the inner workings of a muffler) or an "inner tube" (whatever that might be).
Will be interesting to see what they say about the Harley. There are no internal parts missing. There just never were any :D