hmmmmmmmmmmm I put this here so as not to muddy the waters on another Thread about police corruption. If you Think about it, Why on earth do these Police forces exist if it is known they are corrupt. The PNP may be Corrupt but my Goodness what have these 10 and many more at my Guess above the number than lies above the PNP? 10 Most Corrupt Police Forces in The World As I write this I could not get a larger list to see where the PNP is at in the league, maybe someone else has or has Time to find out. I just Got called for Lunch so best I go get it before it ends up in one of the Dogs JP
I wouldn't have figured the Philippines would be on there. Africa is a pretty big place then you have the middle east to contend with. Working with Afghanistan police everyday I had no doubt they would be on there. I had one Afghan Major try to get me to pay him for the privilege of fixing their equipment. (I quickly informed him he had the bribing thing backwards and then had a good laugh with his commanding officers about it......haven't seen him since.)
Well, that list included only 10, I am sure if the list was extended to 20....., PNP would be # 11 - lol -
Just a quick look up revealed just the top ten, maybe a more detailed look will get a result. Just trying to get all things done on the PC before we get hit with this d*mn Brownout tomorrow, * Memo to self * Must save up for a good UPS JP