Are there any users that are experiencing this problem? I have just started getting them on the forum.....but only while using Chrome and only while using Windows. I have also noticed that my Chrome browser is lagging quite a bit. (When a page first loads up it takes about 2-3 seconds before it will scroll fluidly or the mouse icon will change when I am hovering over a link). Not having any pop-up ads installed on the forum and not having any issues on Linux leads me to think that it is a virus....though I have thoroughly scanned my windows computer several times with different anti-virus software. Can't seem to pinpoint where the problem is originating from. I have deleted any add-ons to my Chrome browser and it is still doing it. I know @PatO had mentioned getting pop-ups on his Apple. Maybe he can give a bit more information on what was causing the problem for him?
I had a similar problem. I installed Adblock Plus & IBA Opt-out (by Google) and this did the trick, Good Luck
I have adblock plus as well and that puts an end to it.......but that is extremely counter productive to ad revenue for the site. It is not a solution I would like everyone to take. I did just notice that when I turn off ad-blocker every single site that I go to opens up a new tab or a pop-up. I am pretty sure that Google and Xoom do not have pop-up ads on their homepages. There is a virus on my computer but nothing can find it. Usually Malwarebytes (free) picks up things my Webroot (not free) doesn't, but this time it is not working.
Pat my friend, which cleaner did you use? I ask only that quite a few are now experiencing this particular Problem. JP
Figured this one out. There was an add-on in my Chrome browser called "UniLeads". You can check yours by going to Settings>More Tools>Extensions.