Need a bit of advice here. In my apartment complex there is a shared swimming pool. One of the other tenants invited a guest over to go swimming and this guest left his phone near the swimming pool wrapped in a towel. My pet knocked the phone in the swimming pool and it now has water damage. He is demanding that I buy him a new phone (or he will accept my girlfriends phone as a replacement this will never happen for privacy concerns). He is being quite rude to my girlfriend and I am no pleased with this attitude. He is also saying that the phone does work but he does not want the phone because it "potentially" has water damage. What do you think? Do I share some responsibility in the potentially damaged phone? Should I repay it all (13k pesos)? Is this guy solely responsible for his phone since he placed it so close to the pool? Is there shared blame (should I fork out half for a replacement)? Or is the person that invited him over responsible for replacing the phone and should work out a deal with him? I have an opinion on what should be done and who is responsible but I will withhold it until I get some feedback.
She didn't knock the phone in the pool, the pet is not hers and she is not even on the lease. It is absolutely in no way her fault. I find the request for her phone as a replacement absolutely ridiculous. That will never happen.
Owner of the phone is responsible for his own property. Should not have left it. Also is there a sign posted by the apartment complex, "do not leave personal property unattended" ?
The first two rules are: 1. All persons using the pool do so at their own risk. The owner's are not responsible for accidents or injuries. 2. Pool is for private use only, guests must have permission.
To me no, there will be rules of guests in the Lease and the lease if a decent one will state that each person is responsible for his own Property. JP
The gf is telling me that he is being a complete asshat and being unnecessarily disrespectful to her. I have no reason to doubt what she is saying. This is completely unacceptable and nothing short of this kuripot making a complete 180 in his attitude and making an apology to my gf will get this issue resolved in any way that is favorable for him. He is screwing himself by not acting like a civilized and rational person. I have posted this elsewhere in hopes that the tenant who invited him over will read this and talk to his friend. If he wants to have any hope of me replacing the phone he needs to drop the p*ss poor attitude right now. I pick my battles.....13k pesos over a damaged phone where the responsibility falls into the grey area is not one I will fight. I would have gotten the guy a replacement. 13k pesos over a damaged phone where the responsibility falls into the grey area + disrespecting my girlfriend = better slap that body armor and check your battle load because you better believe I'm ready to fight that battle. This dipshit kuripot better fix his attitude.
In the Philippines no one is responsible for anything that can be blamed on someone else... just ask them. Personally I do not feel that replacement of a phone because of "potential" damage is warranted. An appropriate response may be I will "potentially" remedy the situation when it occurs. The biggest problem I can see is some phone in the US had a sensor material inside the phone, which would change colors if water got into the phone. This was used to void warrenties for phones dropped into water. Since warrenties here are almost non-existent, or not honored I am not even sure that is an issue. As aside I happy to hear you do not keep your GF on a leash when she is at the pool, unless you used a gold "choke" chain with a leather strap... that could be sexy. Opps you said lease.. my bad . I still have problems with my native language at times.
Another option, he says the phone still works, so end of story. it is not broken so no replacing. And then only if you want to replace the phone, Ask him what brand is the phone? Like a car off the lot is has lost some value. Have him give you the phone minus the sim card and purchase a used similar phone from the 100,s of stores in town. Should be a small amount compared to new. Another option is ignore the situation from here on out, it is the culture. Keep the pet safe and close to home .
No way i would be buying a cel phone, if he was a another tenant i might consider it just to keep the peace but a visitor comes at his own risk and so does anything he brings with him. To go further i would be telling your partener to go to the barangay captain and put it on the blotter .