A jolly good talking to my lady a little later. i will be in town tomorrow so I will call in to the Secretaries office who deals with this and have a Chat. Sometimes Later only don't work with me when I have promised something to others. JP
Well, if you can find on the internet, that's great. Then there is no need to post. My stuff is classified TS/NOFORN.
TS/NOFORN means Top Secret / No Foreign (don't release to non-US nationals). Meaning he ain't sharing his personal recipes.
To me it is just military slang for "secret". Nothing against any actual foreign nationals. That's just me though. [DOUBLEPOST=1429061278,1429061221][/DOUBLEPOST]It's funny that I say "foreign nationals" since I am a foreign national myself in the Philippines. I didn't mean that in any bad way.
So what is such a secret in a Recipe? The Object of the thread is to share ideas and things from other members, all I did was ask But..............HEY HO. JP
Maybe the Air Force has some top secret chow hall recipes that can't be released to the general public.
NAH! It is the General Public that gives the ideas, + all catering apart from Sgts & Officers mess Catering is out to private tender now. I don't think Station Catering in it'self is classified, just the movements of personnel and such like. Even Flight time Cold to Hot rations are Contracted out. but we Digress JP
Contractors have TS clearances as well. The must compartmentalize all the ingredients that way no one person has the entire recipe. Don't underestimate how serious the Cheer Force is about their creature comforts.