Dumaguete Info Search


Discussion in 'New Member Introductions' started by nwlivewire, May 24, 2015.

  1. nwlivewire

    nwlivewire DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Army Navy

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    Retired military

    Female (Probably old enough to be your Mother!)

    Using Post 9/11 GI Bill

    Silliman University - Tropical Agriculture & other interests

    Presently in the US - downsizing even as I write - preparing to launch to Manila for Courtesy SRRV June 2016

    Qualify for Courtesy SRRV, so will be in the Manila area until SRRV is issued, then on to Dumaguete.

    Have many questions as to what to bring, so will search forums first.

    Primary questions revolve around school, computer equipment, connectivity, and electronic gear.

    Secondary questions revolve around transportation (vehicle purchase or public transport), renting in a safe and sane place near school, fast & reliable internet/cable and banking.

    According to what I have read, under the Courtesy SRRV, I am allotted a small USD value of personal goods I can"import" that will not be customs taxed.

    Immediate question is going to be about my electronic gear for school and flat screen TV for import as personal goods under the SRRV customs tax waiver.

    Will search the forum first and then ask.

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  2. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    Welcome. Great informative intro. Thank you for serving. I believe you can get the majority of your questions from this forum and its members. Be careful in Manila, trashy place. Hope your journey is safe and rewarding.

    Note: I too used the GI bill to go to school, in another lifetime.
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  3. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Thanks for the introduction and welcome to the forum. Which branch of the military were you in?
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  4. OP

    nwlivewire DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Army Navy

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    Dear Wrye83:

    I served with the USN as a Hospital Corpsman - way back in the day. Stationed at Camp Lejeune, NC., I will always have a special place in my heart for the Marine Corps.

    Got out after one hitch, married, raised a child, worked as a civilian in coal mining, Union Laborer, Teamster, and Boilermaker. Attended college and performed Reserve duties with the Navy, Army Reserve, and the Army National Guard in three different States.

    Then finally served some more AD in the USA (my branch of retirement) in Germany (96/97), and then Iraq (06/07). I worked in MOSes related to Religion (Chaplain Asst.), Personnel, Legal, Journalism, and was eventually assigned as a Military Historical Archivist. Last 10 years was spent as an Archivist. Made it to 20 total years (13 yrs AD/7 yrs NG), but injured during Iraq tour and was eventually medically discharged (2012).

    As a woman, I've worked in many non-traditional occupations that have taken me to many different military and civilian locations/conditions . And to be sure, I've NOT had many a dull moment. I've also travelled to over 40+ countries on my own dime and without benefit of military assignment. Now that was fun period of time!

    The best friend I ever had in this world (Spouse) is now deceased (07). I feel very fortunate my world was gifted to have known him for 29 years. John was definitely a tall but gentle, one-of-a-kind type of guy with a subtle and dry sense of humor. He had a way about him that made people feel relaxed and at ease. Definitely a Type B fellow and a"human tranquilizer" to my Type A.

    Son (Navy Vet) is now married to a woman who came with a "ready-made" family (three kids). I would be very surprised if they ever had a child together. Three is plenty enough to raise up these days! lol

    So at this stage in my life, I'm really looking forward to enjoying my time and my freedom to do things I'd like to do for a change - and in the order of my choosing. Not that I haven't had those choices in the past - just saying that I get to put myself and my needs a little closer to the top of the life list now.

    After 60 years, I think it's about time - don't you?

    My "habits" are these (or not as the case may be): I eat red meat, take a drink from time to time, puff an e-cig (I've quit regular tobacco smoking - this seems to be working), and I don't tote a Sunday Bible on any kind of a regular basis (spiritual, but not religious).

    Beyond that, most folks would adjudge me as "socially acceptable".

    I've shared more of a sketch of myself and background than I usually do. Matter of fact, not many (other than close friends) know this much about me. I usually hold my privacy and general/personal information close to my vest. My life is not up for general dissemination or discussion unless I choose to make it so.

    So how about yourself? Are you a Vet? If so, what branch? And what brought you to Dumaguete?

    Thank-you for having this forum Wrye83.

    I will read, make notes, and post a thread or two when more current information is needed. I want to arrive reasonably prepared for three years o study (and fun!) in Dumaguete.

    I do plan to travel during the off-school periods, so I will be plugged into this web site throughout my stay. I'm sure there is much to see, do, and experience!


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  5. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Again, great introduction! :thumbsup:

    I am prior Army. I was ADA while I was in (though never really did the job). I served about 4 years. While I was in Iraq from 06-08 (I had the pleasure of getting the 15 month deployment) I discovered that they paid civilians 5 times what I made to do the same job. I'm contracting now in Afghanistan (electronic warfare) but should be finished in July. I'll be making a short visit to the US with family then back to Dumaguete in August.

    I moved to Dumaguete after living in Olongapo for some time. Honestly, I picked Dumaguete because I had never heard of it and I thought Dumaguete was a funny name for a city, it was a completely random finger point to the map. I had no idea there was a significant amount of expats in Dumaguete before I got off the plane (I actually thought it would be void of them). Found this forum back in 2010 after I moved here (looking for a private investigator to check out my x-wife's activities while I was on a deployment....divorced now and couldn't be happier about it :wink:) and had already found an apartment online. I go lucky and found a great landlord and have stuck with her minus a one month failed trial at living in Dumaguete after she evicted my x-wife for cheating while I was gone (my landlord is awesome!).

    If you are looking for more information on Dumaguete you can check out the main site as well Dumaguete Info - Website of Gentle People The information is a bit dated but I'm hiring some local writers soon to have it all updated. If you have any questions about the content there feel free to ask any question here in the forum. Thanks for joining and we look forward to your future posts!

    Note: I see you mentioned the SRRV. I recently wrote an article on the main site about that but it would be good to get some information from someone with first hand experience dealing with the PRA. I know that the PRA says they help out expats getting things done with certain government agencies in the Philippines but it would be nice to know what all they actually do for a person.
  6. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    At ease soldier! Don't worry about planning so much. Just get down here and figure it out as you go. Personally, I didn't plan **** and I turned out to be just as much as @ss**** as everyone else here. That's mission accomplished!

    Just carry as little as possible coming over here. Then continue to keep that load down. Most of the locals here have a small number of clothes, a cell phone and a motorcycle. You could probably get by with not much more.

    For connectivity, start out mobile. You can get mobile data on your SIM quite cheap. One plan for Globe is 50 pesos for 300MB which expires after three days. You could then share that out with your laptop and be good to go. Another option is a USB stick which takes a SIM card and plugs diretly into your laptop. Alternatively there is a "pocket wifi" device which you can connect to your laptop via USB or through wifi.

    Personally, I use that plan as my main connection and I go with Globe. My internet needs are modest and I get data for the cell phone and the USB stick for my laptop. In many areas of Dumaguete, I can get LTE. Otherwise, it's 3G. I don't know if Smart has better coverage.

    When you get here, just get a room with one cheap hotel and then look around for a hotel to get a longer stay with a discount. Then just take your time looking for a house or an apartment. It's also good to talk to expats. Networking is the best way to find a place. Otherwise, just peddle around town and look.
  7. TheDude

    TheDude DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    By the way, there is one other female foreigner that I know. There are a lot here I don't know also, but there aren't many either way.

    You might have a chat with @jerseygirl - just send a DM and tell her Dude sent you.
  8. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    nwlivewire, you will probably enjoy meeting my friend Dr. Mike when you move here. He is a great chiropractor and a former Navy Corpsman serving with Marines in Vietnam. He and his wife Era live in Sibulan.
    Semper Fi
  9. OP

    nwlivewire DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Army Navy

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    What a wonderful friendly welcome and a breath of fresh air you all are!

    And I do look forward to relaxing when I get there - to be sure!

    Right now, my world here in the States is in an absolute mess - tying up loose ends - getting things in order - selling, downsizing, banking, all that pre-departure flight checklist of crapola. I want all this done and settled in the States before I depart so I don't have to look in my rear-view mirror except when I need to.

    And I do intend to bring only a suitcase or two. The computer/electronic stuff can ship after I arrive and I submit my SRRV Courtesy papers with the tax waiver.

    Beyond that, I can get what I need when I get there (I hope anyway).

    It will be great to live simply again. I've never been married to stuff anyway (well, maybe my computer, but not much else).

    For me, it's about the people, the memories, the moments. What's in the here and now. Because in the end, no amount of stuff can make up for that.

    OK. I'm off this thread. I need to begin a new one and periodically update that new thread about my experience with PRA and the SRRV Courtesy process.

    This may come in handy for others who are thinking of launching into the "great unknown".

    See you on the Forum!



    ps. Thank-you for the introductions to others!

    You guys made my day! :happy:
  10. patty

    patty DI Forum Adept Showcase Reviewer

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    Welcome and safe travels. If possible I would carry on your laptop and camera, shipping has a way of "losing" expensive items. If you enjoy cooking bring along favorite spices, some are not available or high priced. Pack nice bath towels, sneakers and underwear, these are so overpriced here and also add in some great sheets. If you are a reader buy up many at a garage sale before you leave. Many nice expats here and forum is a great help for insight to places and problems and information.
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