A friend here in Bacong and I were discussing bits and pieces we have heard about a new replacement airport being built in Bacong, rather than expanding the Sibulan airport. Has anyone heard anything substantial on this?
I haven't heard anything since this news article. To a new site in bacong town Solon wants to relocate airport from Dumaguete | Region, The Freeman Sections, The Freeman | philstar.com
Thanks, we saw that input. Some VIP's were in town last week and for whatever their excuses were, they chose not to invite me to their meetings. Maybe the NSA can send me transcripts.
I really don't see the need for a new airport in Dumaguete. It will probably not be an international airport in the near future. Seems like it is more about someone making a whole lot of money by selling or leasing their property.
It was Muted some time ago and as far as I can Remember it was Pooh Poohed because of tidal flow or some obscure reason. Maybe what land would need to be Claimed For Approaches etc. Probably a cost evaluation was a No Go area and like SM we heard nothing more. JP
I've only been coming to this area for 7 or so years, but it is quite noticeable that there are far more tourists in and around Dumaguete than before. I do not see an international airport in the near future though, Philippine Airlines went from decent service to PAL express where you get bent over on luggage and service down to non existent. Obviously just my opinion. Shawn
There will be a hearing or consultation in August of this year about the proposed new airport in bacong. The funds for the land have been acquired of p500m and property surveys are being carried out in the area as of now.
I had heard that it would be Bambulu area. Now will it really ever happen and get funding who knows but I would probably not buy land anywhere near there. Filipinos think land goes up around an airport like Panglao's maybe airport but I sure do not want to hear jets coming in and smell the fuel
There have been rumors like this for years..... I doubt it will happen unless the economics improves significantly....there is just not enough traffic to warrant a major expense of a new airport They were going to put one in Bais....then it was Balawan.....now it is Bacong...... I seriously doubt Bacong because of the geography and economics....it would be cheaper to expand the Dumaguete airport into the sea..... They need a hospital facility in Balawan more than they need an airport..... and I doubt the power structure would support making one in Bais.........bottomline..... just gossip and pipe dreams.....the money is not there