How Many Spaces After a Period? Is it One or Two? (& Why) Hint: It's one space after punctuation (unless you are typing on an old typewriter). All you double spacers........
Old school is from the typing class, 2 spaces after period. New school is do they even have typing class in school? and it is one space after period. I think both ways will be accepted.
On modern computers double spacing after punctuation is not an acceptable practice due to the way modern fonts handle character spacing (explained in the original article posted). I took a typing class (on some old computers with the really loud keyboards) in high school but I can't remember what they told us on double spacing. Though I used to do the double spacing on a computer so I think I was originally told to use the double space. I honestly can't remember why I stopped doing it but I stopped the practice while in the military. Perhaps someone made me do a push-up for every extra space in an email I sent (threat of extra physical training was the number one way to get me to knock the stupid sh*t off and I do remember the change was very abrupt ) I was also told to always indent (or use 5 spaces) before the beginning of paragraphs but I also have mostly stopped using that as well for some reason. It usually isn't found on websites these days.....but if I am typing an official letter (on a Word document) I use them. I think this has been moved away from online because of the way browsers handle the use of the tab button (it doesn't indent anything, it moves on the the next field/section of the website). As with everything in language, writing styles will evolve. Double spaces at the end of sentences are a thing of the past and is not accepted by the vast majority of editors/publishers. The paragraph indentation is quickly moving in that direction as well. writing - Is an indentation needed for a new paragraph? - English Language & Usage Stack Exchange
I also took an entire year of typing back in HS (only guy in the class) and it was double space after a period. I double space out of habit, plus I can still type pretty fast. Shawn
My time in the military we used double spacing on official correspondence, performance reports, awards, decorations etc. I retired 8 years ago so it may have changed by now. I got away from indenting due to military correspondence as it was not used. Shawn
MLA, APA, and Turabian styles all have different requirements for formatting papers, and I have used all three. Any of my college professors would have singe me for not inserting two spaces after a period though.
Tend to agree with this but as with many things, there will always some differing interpretations. Having said that, one too many, is far better than not enough to my mind. JMHO here. JP