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Utilities & Mobile Faster Internet speed in the Future? Oh Yeah.

Discussion in 'Businesses - Services - Products' started by Dave & Imp, Dec 31, 2014.

  1. ShawnM

    ShawnM Living the dream, Plan B ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Blood Donor Veteran Air Force

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    It was 6 or 7 years ago in Korea and was able to upgrade to fiber for internet; plus they had it hooked up within 24 hours of asking to change from coax. Cheap and very fast internet. I lived in Korea for over 10 straight years and only once did we have a power outage off base and that was due to a transformer blowing up and it was replaced within an hour.

    It is all about infrastructure and how it is maintained and repaired....

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  2. Frodo

    Frodo DI Member Showcase Reviewer

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    I use Smart in Dumaguete for Internet access. There is a Smart LTE tower in the center of town. Smart LTE service costs either P50 (1 day), P299 (1 week), or P995 (1 month).

    I've used Smart LTE throughout the Philippines for a few years and they NEVER throttled me back. Why, you ask??? Because Smart has NOT been enforcing their Fair Use Policy (FUP). The COULD enforce their FUP at any time I suppose, but they have not as long as I have been using it. I read an article last year that Smart has so much excess capacity they simply do not need to enforce their FUP. A few months ago, in Bohol, in one day I downloaded 3 HD movies -- about 10 gigabytes -- yup, that's 10,000 megabytes -- without a problem. I have not yet downloaded HD movies in Dumaguete, but I don't believe it will be a problem -- the most I downloaded in one day here so far was about 1GB.

    I have a Smart LTE SIM in my iPhone and I have fast 4G/LTE service most places in the city. At home I have a Smart LTE card in my Huawei B593 router (I have a MIMO antenna) and I have a decent LTE connection -- although sometimes the download speed slows down during the daytime when usage is higher. It's not a problem for me because I just wait until very early in the morning to download large software updates.
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  3. ChMacQueen

    ChMacQueen DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    Funny stuff.... The major Philippine internet providers could tomorrow double their DSL connection speed in any half decent sized city if they bought more international backbone bandwidth which is available. They could increase their 3G instantly to being real 3G speed and their 4G could also be increased to real 3G speed (as its actually below specs for 3G in most areas besides Manila). Cable internet providers tomorrow could triple your internet speed by simply buying more backbone bandwidth.

    The infrastructure here in the Philippines is crap but its already capable of far more then what they offer now. Only catch is their profit margins would drop maybe 20-25% but still making very sizable profits. Those profit margins could also be minimalized with fixing some of their current infrastructure issues as well dropping margins down to 10-15% loss.

    But until the government forces it through requiring *Broadband* services to offer a minimal service 100% or better that is more then they do now nothing will change... and we know the government won't do that anytime soon.
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  4. DavyL200

    DavyL200 DI Forum Luminary ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    MANILA, Philippines — The Philippine Chief Justice has a shoutout to the country’s two major telecommunications companies, Philippine Long Distance Telephone Company (PLDT) and Globe Telecom Incorporated: act speedily and fix the "horrifyingly narrow and outrageously slow" Internet speed.

    "The Philippines has become the leading social media user in the world even if our Internet bandwidth is horrifyingly narrow and outrageously slow…. This is a negative shoutout to the two major telcos," Chief Justice Maria Lourdes Sereno told the audience at the 2015 Manila Social Good Summit held Saturday, September 26, at the Resorts World Manila.
    Sereno asks telcos to act swiftly on PH's slow Internet

    It looks like a lot of people are complaining about the state of internet services in the pi now so here's hoping this will put pressure on globe and pldt so they get their act together so they stop screwing their customers over. Customer services could also do with some serious training in customer relations!
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  5. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Davy, would you really want one as a Relation? But Seriously, if this was not such a Funny Article I would almost believe they are trying to do something about the Abysmal Situation. The Speed may be raised but the rest of the Service will stay the same. C...P :poop: :vomit: I am down to .85 mbs and it is only 9.30 and only me here.

    3bs till 12 then 1 mbs till sleep time yeah? May as go to Mars :wink:

  6. DavyL200

    DavyL200 DI Forum Luminary ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Go to customer service every month and complain to them,we did to globe and we got refunded every month,we also called them every week until it was sorted.the so called tech guys spent a lot of time here and I knew they were pissed off,in the end they sorted it.
    The lovely lady manager in globe now Hates me and tries to disappear if she spots me,I used to refuse to leave until I spoke to her,just said to the girl I can wait as I have all day :biggrin:
    We even got the field officer out here one day,I made him change the whole cable and plug us in to a closer box so all well for now.
    Give them grief mate until you get what you pay for!
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  7. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    Just Spoken to the DTI and they are looking into it. It has to stop.
    Did you know that the DOTC and the LTO are of the same Agency

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    KINGCOLE DI Senior Member Highly Rated Poster

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    When you see how slow the LTO issues plates and driving licences, I wouldn't hold out much hope for a speedy resolution to the internet problems.
    If it does improve we will have to pay a lot more. As an aside line, we were charged every month for internet usage on our cellphones, even though it was switched off on Globe's System. After several months of the same problem, and spending endless hours getting our bills revised, my wife went ape sh*t and Globe called the Police. I don't blame the employees, as they have to put up with constant complaints from customers. There is no competition here, so the attitude is take it or leave i
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  9. DavyL200

    DavyL200 DI Forum Luminary ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    I don't really see why we should pay a lot more for the internet here,we pay enough for crap service now,it's about time they got their act together and start to give back what they have stolen from the consumers for years. A friend of mine in Vietnam gets 40meg for $10 month!
    There wouldn't be some many people losing their rag if the customer service dept did their job properly in the first place,I can't say I blame your wife for losing it,they drive you to this point with frustration and stupidity!
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  10. Kym

    Kym DI Member

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    I cant imagine its simple improving internet here in the Philippines . Imagine the complexities of laying fibre optic over all the different islands [ all run by different competing feudal clans who often hate each other { hint Imelda Marcos clan in Leyte and Aquino family in Luzon ] . Now add the various Mayors all overseeing the street digging to lay the cables { this when a simple barangay cement road takes 8 months to complete] Then everybody wanting a piece of the pie. Foundation University have been trying to build a rival INET here to SMART GLOBE but have run into a myriad of issues from higher powers who simply do not want the competition
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