Hi Jack and Pat, not sure about the Doctor part here, but for only P50 to P100 no matter how drunk you,, me or anyone here is, we can get home safe without killing ourselves or any innocent person, how hard is that? it's so easy to get a pedicab.
Being somewhat of an expert on drunks, as I was one for many years and have been sober for many years as well. I was in AA and worked on myself and helped others that had problems also. If a person wants to get drunk there is not much you can do to prevent it. You may stop it temporarily but they are the ones that makes the final decision and obviously this fellow made a bad decision that cost not only his life but someone else their life. Also a woman or women became widows and children became orphans because of the decision he made many times to drink instead of getting sober. The bar owner is not a baby sitter nor did he/she make the decision for this person to get drunk. It is human nature to try to blame someone like the bar owner rather than put the blame where it really belongs and that is to the one that got drunk. This may seem harsh to some people but when it comes down to the "nut cutting" there is only one person at fault. JMO
The man was bloody irresponsible driving in that state. Sorry if I offend anyone but if he had killed someone I love or relative or person I cared about, driving a motor cycle pissed up. No more words needed.
If you are a foreigner living in this country; be vigilant and get the best protection you can afford! For me it is a car!! There are way too many locals that are trying to get into an accident just to get into your pocket! And besides that alot of the local men hate us, because we come into their country and marry all there young good looking girls, and they can not compete money wise!! So be very careful around here!!! Edited by moderator to remove all caps.