Happy holidays to you too. Thanks for dropping in to the forum again! Hope the new year goes well for you.
Try the taco place in the public market its located below the soccer field. They serve very good Mexican food.
Yes, I agree. I have eaten there several times. The same people go to Gie Gie's bar on Saturdays to offer the Mexican food in town Close to Robinsons on the South Highway.
I appreciate your response Wyre83. Holy Cow! Your washing machine takes me back to my being a little girl, watching my Grandmother use her "new fangled" electric, open-faced and metal wash tub machine - complete with the hand-cranked wringer-rollers that squeezed the rinse water out of the clothing! And she line-dried, too. ********** As for the college thing - you're very correct. The U of Hawaii and the U of Guam both offer tropical agriculture. The upside to this is that Hawaii/Guam gets me a US certified degree - not necessarily so in the Philippines. The downside to Hawaii/Guam is the cost of living and the expense of air/transport tickets to other travel locations around SE Asia. But Guam is my second choice and I have not written it off. Ideally, I'd like to get some education at Silliman, travel around SE Asia, then later, transfer those credits and finish up (degree) in Guam. But we'll see as I go along. Who knows - I could find the "man of my dreams" in Duma and never leave. (You KNOW I'm joking, right?) V/R, nwlivewire
I had to show the first helper how to use it because I caught her leaning over the top still hand washing my cloths but she couldn't figure out how to drain the dirty water out. She didn't believe me when I said the thing did all the hard work for her (and she never really did believe that the machine actually washed closed as good as she did by hand....and she was probably correct but I really didn't care since I only believe there are two kinds of cloths: wearable and smelling funky. If it doesn't stink there is no sense in washing it. ). Many things are still done in the Philippines as they were 100 years ago in the US. You never know. Maybe some 18 year old college freshman will sweep you off you feet. lol