Dumaguete Info Search

Why do expats love Dumaguete?

Discussion in 'Dumaguete City' started by jake2townz, Oct 16, 2015.

  1. Frenchcarpenter

    Frenchcarpenter DI New Member

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    A horrid response to this question has diverted what might be an interesting discussion. The rebuttal BobBski offered seems great to me. But the question might be usefully answered by asking "What do I as an expat like about Dumaguete?" Very briefly after having visited a few times and stayed to study and send kids to school there, let me say: Great quiet little town, peaceful as one can expect. A university ambiance, maybe not the best, but pretty good schools. Silliman has a decent library. Waterfront area is great fun, attractive, clean, good food and drinks at bargain prices. The Filipinos and expats are friendly and gentle for the most part, and the occasional bigoted drunk makes the rest of us look good by comparison. So even they have their uses. I especially like the accessibility of airflights and passenger ships. And yes, there are lots of attractive college women, thanks for that. But they are hardly flinging themselves at fat old foreigners, as I, being one, can attest.
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  2. knobhead

    knobhead The Knobster Infamous

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    If I am understanding this thread correctly. I would like to make the point that intellectual property rights and copy rights laws are international, and international flight to avoid prosecution does not keep him safe from action. Plus he would be found "Persona non grata " by the Philippine Immigration and we would be rid of his presence for ever.
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  3. osodelnorte

    osodelnorte DI Forum Adept Restricted Account Showcase Reviewer

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    simply put.. vices are cheap and abundant in dumaguete.. alcholics and drug addicts abound.. and corruption makes it this way... notice the class of foreignors showing up.. ask them where they came from and you will hear places like angeles city, pattaya, bangkok, etc... and that is because the prices there have risen... it is only going to get worse.. you can smell it everywhere you go..
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  4. anti_crazy

    anti_crazy DI Forum Adept

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    Sniff, sniff, sniff.............nope, sorry, I don't smell it everywhere I go. Of course, I don't hang out with substance abusers to smell them, or ask where they come from.

    I've never been to angeles city or Thailand. Came here from the USA. Many of us live responsible lives here.
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    KINGCOLE DI Senior Member Highly Rated Poster

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    Please don't paint us all with the same brush. Most of us resident expats here have families and lead normal, law abiding lives. Of course we came here because we can afford a better life here, but my first consideration was my families future. I can afford to send children to school and university here without them having to be burdened with student debt. They can afford their own homes. Of course employment here is a major problem, but if the are well educated, then they can succeed. As for corruption, of course it is overt, whereas in our home countries it is covert. If you think that sex, booze and drugs are the reasons we live here, you need to meet the majority of expats here whom lead lives not too dissimilar to the lives we back home. Many single expats have visited ( pattaya- bangkok ) these places in the past, this is because of broken marriages etc etc. Many are looking for someone to settle down with for the rest of their lives and live a peaceful life. It's easy enough to pick out the arseholes within 30 seconds of conversation. As for all the expat drifters that come here, I have no control over them and do not include them in my circle of friends.
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  6. PatO

    PatO DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Marines

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    I live a more respectful lifestyle here now than I did most of my years in the U.S. Maybe just older now and enjoying this chapter.
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  7. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    I would agree with most everything in your post except this part (at least for those of us coming from the US). It is not a better life here for a cheaper price. It is a lower standard of living for a lower cost of living. I find most everything here more expensive and more of a hassle than in the US. Utilities, rent, food, gasoline, dealing with the government, land prices, building supplies, colleges/universities....all more expensive than the US (if you look at the value of what you are getting). The only thing, that I have found, that is truly cheaper here is beer, smokes, women and labor. The main reason I am here is not because it's cheap (it's not), it's because the government isn't always watching over my shoulder to tell me what's safe and what's not and forcing me to buy insurance/products for my own good. I'm willing to lower my standard of living to sustain a life with less government intrusion for a longer period of time. There is a cost - b*llsh*t - freedom balance for me though.....and it seems that the longer I am here the more that balance gets out of whack. There are other countries that are starting to look more appealing than the Philippines.

    I know some European countries (aka Liberal Land) are ridiculously expensive because of all the people sucking on the government tit but if an American is coming here to elevate their standard of living for less money they really haven't taken a close look at the actual numbers. Osodelnorte does have a point: many (certainly not all) of the new expats I am seeing/meeting out and around town are dysfunctional Western mental midgets that have some extremely questionable morals. (If this does not apply to whoever is reading this then I'm not talking about you, please don't take offense.....but if the shoe fits go ahead and lace that b*tch up and wear it. :wink:)
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  8. osodelnorte

    osodelnorte DI Forum Adept Restricted Account Showcase Reviewer

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    well then.. i obviously wasnt talking about you was I???
  9. Chikasha

    Chikasha DI Junior Member Restricted Account Infamous Showcase Reviewer

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    I don't know.
    Vanderidiot..... what ever he is a complete ....... I tried to watch a few of his videos but he needs to stop buying cameras and spend some of that money on his meth ground down teeth. Come one folks the ranting of a UGLY AMERICAN that makes all Americans look bad. Surely this guy will get deported for his bad attitude soon.
  10. birdwatch

    birdwatch DI Forum Adept

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