Types of laptops to bring or not bring with minimum requirements or those that can be repaired locally if they break down? Where to go to get electronic add-ons or upgrades? Types of cameras, cell phones that are usable. Remember the SIM card thing? Adapters, etc to bring or not bring. Appliances - what not to bring - electrical adapters, etc. How to get an RX refilled - where to go. Mail service. Where to buy a good used car - models that are reliable. Communication back to Europe or to the USA? What works with a laptop and/or cell that doesn't cost an arm and a leg per minute. Video calls... Notepads and Ipads - what works? nwlivewire
Hi Everyone, I believe this to be a very very informative and helpful addition to the main site - and as sticky notes on the forum. BUT with all the every day live moments and personal pet hates being turned into gigantic negatives, I believe these topics will require "approval before posted" to ensure they remain helpful. There are so many negatives posted in this forum and on so many many other expats sites, we tend to get carried away in "mass hysteria" and we forget why we are here and not back in that other place. There is violence here, drugs, drunkeness, beer bottles, bad food, crazy drivers, F U C K I N G S T U P I D D R I V E R S, unemployment, inefficient government offices, corruption, poverty, etc etc. But same all over the world. The main site should show all the good points why we are here (and it could be as simple as money), but there are so many other positive points. New visitors will make up their own mind - simple as love it or leave it.
These articles will not be opinionated and they won't be posted on the forum as a sticky thread for people to comment on. (Though threads on the forum discussing the content of the articles will certainly be allowed so that the information can stay as current and correct as possible.) The articles will be stand alone pages that will have their own navigation tab up top on the forum and will be linked on the main site as well.
Understand your potential partner has an extended family, and blood is thicker than water. Be careful buying a used car or bike.
Avoid the ice. Some places use bottled water for their ice but most use tap water. You should ask before accepting anything with ice in it. Won't stop all of cases of the squirts but will definitely reduce your chances of getting them.
Ri "Rizals Revenge" - the shits, named after Jose Rizal, "the Aquino two step" - the paces and manner in which one hops to the CR when suffering the shits. No implication toward anyone living or dead intended. I would say the same if living in India, "Ghandi's revenge" for example...
Schools/Universities, High Crime Areas, Flooding Areas During Rainy Season, Emergency Phone #, Police, Fire, Water, Electrical, Hospitals, Etc.
A compilation of "where to find" would be handy - with phone number or explicit directions. Things like - grass seeds, good bread, lettuce