Here's the article you refereed to. It's very interesting and odd that the PNP needs to be deputized by the LTO so they can enforce traffic laws such as "noisy motorcycles, fume-emitting vehicles, overspeeding" etc.. I always assumed the PNP were not interested in enforcing the laws. Where are the 119 trained-policemen deputies of the Land Transportation Office gone? The LTO has not yet deputized them at all? LTO complains it is undermanned, but it has not yet issued formal deputization orders for 119 policemen the LTO trainied in June 2 here. What is taking LTO so long while the traffic in the city is becoming a bigger mess? This was the big question of the PNP headquarters in Camp Fernandez , Agan-an Sibulan PSSupt Harris Fama, newly assumed provincial PNP director. Sending his deputy SPO1 Edilberto Euraoba, PNP information officer to CROSS TALK over DYEM BAI RADIO, the PNP reminded the LTO that the police has now 119 graduates of LTO training for deputization in the streets so that noisy motorcycles, fume-emitting vehicles, overspeeding can be apprehended by LTO-deputized policemen. IT IS NOW THE MOVE OF LTO to issue the formal deputization what is taking LTO too long? AS A BACKGROUNDER: PNP info officer SPPO1 Bert Euraoba filed this report to the CHRONICLE: LTO Deputation and Traffic Incident Investigation Seminar was conducted by the PNP in coordination with the Land Transportation Office 7 attended by one hundred nineteen (119) participants, six (6) from the Philippine Army, one hundred ten (110) from the Philippine National Police, two (2) from the Land Transportation Office (LTO) and one (1) from the LTFRB within the province at Negros Oriental Convention Center, Capitol Area, Dumaguete City, last June 2, 2015. PSSUPT MARIANO PAEZ NATU-EL JR, OIC, NOPPO, and . ROLAND S. RAMOS, Assistant for Operations, LTO, RO7 briefed the participants. PCI REYNALDO GO LECHIDO, Chief, PIDMB gave the overview of the seminar followed by the lecture proper by RAMOS with the subject: Principle, Procedures & Law Enforcement Action. In the afternoon session, PI ROBELITO DL MARIANO, Chief, Provincial Highway Patrol Group, Negros Oriental lectured on the subject Fundamental Principles of Traffic Flow & Intersection Control. June 3, : SPO4 Apollo Machacon, TPG, CCPO lectured on the topic Traffic Accident Investigation and Analysis and in the afternoon session, PI MARIANO lectured on Defensive Driving Road Courtesy & Discipline & Road Traffic Safety, and 5 E’s of Traffic; followed by the subject First responder by PCI GEORGE A BADON. June 4, 2015, English Proficiency and Report Writing was lectured by . Niña Socorro Barot, Principal, Immaculate Heart Academy (IHA), Tanjay City followed by the lecture of . JOEL MALULUY-ON, Deputy for Operation, LTO, RO7, Traffic Laws and Traffic Officer in Court and open forum.
Interesting. So I assume every LTO officer is going to be carrying a boot or two strapped to their back? No idea what they weight but lets just say 10 kilo's each which is probably low by a fair bit. Now how many of these LTO officers are going to want to be carrying those boots around just so they can boot someone for bad parking? More then likely they will have to call into the office for someone in a 4 wheeled vehicle to come bring a boot in. Now that will take 20-30 minutes assuming they do it fairly *quickly* considering. Now considering how many of these illegal parker's are actually just there for 5-10 minutes and the risk of them being long gone before ever getting that boot to show up. Also what about all those people who block off half the street because they claim to be picking someone up, dropping someone off, or someone other then the driver is just running in real quick (for 5 minutes) to pick something up? Much better to simply give all the LTO and traffic enforcers a knife for rubber slicing and just slice the tire so bad can't get it fixed without replacement. It would pretty much fine the person depending on the vehicle size blocking (motorcycle tires are cheaper then those for cars and trucks). I'm sure we could even find a few *friendly* foreigners who would love to sit through a 6 hour seminar to get deputized as official *parking enforcers*. We may be impatient sobs at times but I think many of us would be more then happy to waste a day in doing utter crap seminar if it meant we could get some revenge on those bad parker's!
I wouldn't be too gleeful. If it gets enforced at all I believe it will just be against rich Kanos. I can't see them doing it to the run of the mill small motorcycle or tricycle. In the US a town instituted a zero tolerance policy. Some folks in a very nice neighborhood whose street was a cul de sac called the police on their neighbors for having a vehicle on the street with the registration expired and demanded that the zero tolerance be enforced. The officer obligingly took out his ticket book and put a ticket on their car for parking pointed the wrong direction on the street before he walked down the street and left a warning ticket on the vehicle with expired registration that it would be towed in 7 days if it remained on the street with no registration. Unfortunately I don't think there will be such equal enforcement of the regulations in Dumaguete.
Kinda hard to tell who a parked vehicle belongs to. And I suspect most foreigners don't park like complete knobs.
Some of my very good friends would surprise you. But I don't tell them that triple parking in the middle of the street while they go into the market for a 'few minutes' is parking like a complete knob because you cannot teach an old dog new tricks and if they asked "what are you going to do about it" I don't have a good answer.
I think most of the new cars I saw were owned by foreigners although I fully realize that not all Filipinos are poor. Let me put it this way? I was parked on the side of the road (well off the road) just after the Robert's auto parts store (where I just needed to buy a hose clamp) near the public market and an ordinary citizen, with his bicycle mounted food cart stopped to tell me I couldn't park there. There were several other cars and motorcycles parked there and I asked him, what about them? Was he going to tell them also? Finally I just told him to go ahead and write me a ticket. The look on his face was priceless. I do not believe that enforcement will be equal.