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Every restaurant owner needs to make their staff watch this video!

Discussion in 'Dining - Nightlife - Entertainment' started by Duma Dining/bar critic, Feb 11, 2016.

  1. Crystalhead

    Crystalhead ADMIN Admin ★ Forum Moderator ★ ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ ★★ Forum Sponsor ★★ ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    I highly doubt that, Feminism has not hit the service industry there yet.
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  2. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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    :roflmao: Probably go a loooooong way here in Dumaguete at least she is talking and writing it down :cautious:
    With my sense of humour I think I might even smile, Tip a little for the comic Value.
    Then see her Drive off in her Porsche :wideyed:
  3. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    This is a restaurant franchise called "Dicks Last Resort".....it is a novelty restaurant where you and the waiter/waitress get to be the biggest "dicks" you want to be (get where the name comes from? :wink:). The first time I went in this chain I was clueless to what it was and while waiting to be seated a waitress yelled over to me and said, "Hey d*mbass, you just going to stand there or you going to take a seat? Waiting on you! (big eye roll)". If you go to this restaurant you better bring your trash-talking "A" game because the staff get a whole lot of practice at being pricks and have probably heard every thing you can bring to the table at least 10 times that day. The staff will be extremely rude (as shown in the video) and tear you apart....but it's all part of the game. (Tip: Go to a bank and get $15 bucks in pennies to leave as a tip. And FFS, look at the menu online and know what you are going to order before you go in there! Not that they don't have some nasty sh*t to say about everything you could possibly order. :hilarious:)

    Dick's Last Resort

    Edit: Correction, this is not Dicks Last Resort....it's a chain in Chicago that offers the same "experience" as Dick's. Apparently this theme of restaurant isn't as rare as one might think in the US. Either way, the staff's attitude is all part of the "show".
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    Last edited: Feb 27, 2016
  4. DaveD

    DaveD DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Navy

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    And people pay to be treated this way? Why don't they just get married to an American woman? (too bad there isn't a sarcasm font)
    • Funny Funny x 4
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. robert k

    robert k DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Veteran Army

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    I like dining in the US because I get a good bit of entertainment from it. When I go in a restaurant and get seated and the waitress comes to the table I preempt her and say hello, I am Robert and I will be your customer tonight. I hope I can provide you with an enjoyable work experience.:biggrin:

    When I get fast food at a drive thru, I sometimes like to end my order with : And can you make that to go?

    The OP's video showed a wait style that would not make me happy. I can understand asking about appetizer because that will be first order of business if you are going to get it before your meal comes but asking me about desert at any time except after the meal and asking more than once is going to earn the pained look. Most people I know would have said that waitress was doing a crap job. If you are going to the table you look before you go to see if anyone needs a refill and bring it unasked. While at the table, if you see an empty plate or glass, Take it with you when you leave. I like places where they do the zone thing. It may not be your table but if you have time, haul an empty plate or glass away or tell the tables server that X at the table needs a refill. The video also didn't mention working places that served alcohol. I would go have lunch with my brother while we discussed business and he would have six beers while we were there. His beer cost more than my premium steak and he ate too. Young/ cute and female, work in a restaurant that serves beer.

    My favorite restaurant (US) one time the waitresses collided trying to see who would get to wait on me. Then they both waited on me. One of them told me I was being treated like a king. I told her I was being treated better than a king because you serve the king because you have to, you are serving me because you want to. The food wasn't expensive there but I left a $5 tip if it were just me, more if I took others there as I frequently did. My mother ate there once and left her wallet with $1400 in it. They wanted to give it to me but I told them to hold it for her and gave her a call. Mom wanted to give them a reward and they didn't want to take it. I asked them to accept it as a personal favor to me and they relented. The owner sold the place and the food wasn't as good. The wait staff wasn't as good and the place closed a year after.
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  6. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    People regularly pay $20k+ to get married in the West (aka reserving a spot in a line that gives you a 50/50 chance to give half your crap away to a person you probably really don't even like)......I think people looking to get married should be forced to go to this type of restaurant before they tie the knot to see if marriage is actually something they would like.

    Joking aside, the service I got at Dicks was very good (minus the attitude) and the food was excellent. If I had a choice between a smile and crappy service (usually what you get in the Philippines) or insults and excellent service I'd pick the latter every single time. I'm not going to restaurants to make friends or have someone smile at me, I'm going there because I'm lazy and don't feel like cooking for myself and I want that food to be served as fast and efficiently as possible. As long as you can provide that I don't care if you hate me , hate your job or if you call me names while providing that service.....I'm paying for the service and food, not a good attitude from a person I don't know and give two sh*ts about. (I actually find that "bubbly" attitude many servers in the US have very annoying. Makes me want to smack that fake smile right off their faces. :wink:)
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Funny Funny x 2
  7. DaveD

    DaveD DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Navy

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    I agree with this statement but do not reserve it just for waitresses or servers.

    I can spot a fake half a$$ smile a mile away and very much dislike it. It is (to me anyway) so obvious and disingenuous I feel like slapping it off their face.

    Another one is when I would call my buddy and his wife/girlfriend picks up the phone while still screaming their head off at them about something then answers the phone with "Hello(in a sickly sweet fake voice)" then I ask to speak to my buddy and they scream "hey A$$hole Dave is on the line" or some such thing without covering the mouthpiece.

    Don't they realize they sound like complete psycho crazy person doing that? Their fake niceness isn't fooling anyone!
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Funny Funny x 1
  8. Crystalhead

    Crystalhead ADMIN Admin ★ Forum Moderator ★ ★ Global Mod ★ ★ Moderator ★ ★★ Forum Sponsor ★★ ★ No Ads ★ Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer Veteran Army

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    I still contend that if you open up a dialog of sorts and tip well, you should get great service in the Philippines. That has been my full experience and I commend all the servers I know and consider them great at what they do.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  9. DaveD

    DaveD DI Senior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Navy

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    Quite true. In almost all instances (as long as drugs/alcohol are not involved) I have found that I usually receive my kindness and conviviality back two fold or more from all Filipino's.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Rye83

    Rye83 with pastrami Admin Secured Account Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Army

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    Well at least you know how she really feels. Lol I would really appreciate hearing that and then treat her accordingly every time I I had the pleasure of being around her. (She would get to know how big of an *sshole I can really be...all in good fun of course. :wink:)
    Disagree. My end goal is to be able to walk in a restaurant or business and not have to say a word to any of the staff.

    Examples: today I went to get a haircut. Sat down and didn't say a word. Barber did exactly what was needed. He gets a good tip, the more he talks to me the less he gets.

    When I go to Why Not I make eye contact with the server, my drink magically appears a few moments later. Eye contact with the girl running the pool tables my name goes on the list. When I run out of rum I raise my glass, it gets replaced with a full glass a few moments later. If I raise my smokes I get 2 packs of smokes delivered to the table. I tip well because of this.

    Happy Jack's waitresses do the same with my drinks.

    Flip Flops waitresses somehow know me by name and ask if I want a rum coke when I sit down without a word from me. I tip well there.

    For me, silence is golden. I usually only want to speak to staff when I'm ordering something of the menu.