Neil Domaille 4 mins · YouTube · Growing Industry Rabbit Farming in the Philippines- Agribusiness Season 1 Episode 6 Part 1
I told my wife a few years ago that rabbits multiplying quickly and roaming free around the countryside here would be a great way to alleviate hunger. She said Filipinos see them as rats and would never eat them..
Dear alex: If, by the time I get there, you're still breeding (rabbits that is!), let me know. I'm game to give this a try as I've never eaten a rabbit before. And you sound like you know what you're doing. I hope you have continued success with this. Count me in if you're still breeding (rabbits). Man. Gotta be careful how you word things on this website. V/R, nwlivewire
B But its still good because the dogs would eat them and the Filipinos would eat the dogs so to each their own
What does rabbit taste like? I have never eaten rat or dog (to my knowledge anyway... although I did found a dog tag mixed in with my stew here locally once). Which does it taste like the most Alex? Dog or rat? alex
Having wandered around Asia for many years i may have been served something i was not told about, however i am still here. unlike rats rabbits eat only eat grass or grain . there meat is classed as being very low cholesterol .like i said before 60 years ago in Australia people in the bush relied on rabbit to survive it was called under ground mutton . its on the menu at Casa blanca or was 2 years ago . i have seen people here eating guinea pig here . rabbit at 2.50 paso a klo many filipinos may find a bit to expencive
I have to ask...does it taste like chicken? Never tried rabbit but certainly would if the opportunity presented itself. Hell, I ate the goat last time thru and that was less than delicious !