MSG and Chinese Restaurant Syndrome: Causes and Effects Don't agree. Please see the above link. I have no medical training and certainly Google is no substitute for a medical degree BUT there are thousands of sites claiming just that in a search. Anecdotal evidence and scientific evidence is strong of cause and effect with MSG and I have been personally susceptible to MSG with headaches, sweats but particularly weird dreams.
There are thousands of websites and equally as many videos that claim that lizard people control the world as well.....they have their "proof" as well. lizard people proof - Google Search There are thousands of websites that claim that wifi causes headaches and millions that swear they suffer from these symptoms....even though every study ever done shows that groups exposed to wifi without their knowledge don't have headaches any more frequently than placebo groups. I have no doubt that some people, when consuming msg, suffer from various ailments. This is a psychological ailment, not a physical one. I believe the term is "nocebo effect". Anyone can make a website and misinterpret studies. Confirmation bias. Getting off topic, my fault. Will move this to its own thread.
Not sure about the effects of MSG like what you're reporting. But I always know there is MSG in my food because it seems to make a slight tingling/numbing sensation in my mouth or tongue. It can also cause a numbing sensation in the area where my jaw bone connects to the facial bone. It's been that way for me ever since I was a kid when MSG was frequently used in the Chinese food restaurant my folks always took us to. MSG isn't used so much any more in the States, and restaurants are supposed to post that they use MSG. But I can tell when it is used in food I eat, so when I get that tingling/numbing sensation, I simply must stop eating the food. V/R, nwlivewire
MSG is economic: You can collect dog poo and serve with MSG - tastes great. MSG cheats Your brain to believe food is oishi, even japanese
MSG is banned in Australia over the last ten years i have eaten out in Dumaguete i have quite often had wild dreams and a headache the next day i thought it was the San Mig
Their was a big discussion on MSG some time ago im sure jack can find it, i don't like msg a doctor in Australia told it helped bring on a heart attack that killed an old lady i knew. If it is not bad for you why is it ban in lots of country,s many restaurant in Aust. have signs up stating MSG free food, its band in this house
Hi Alex, actually it's not band in Australia but any restaurant using it must advertise the fact. Therefore very few use it these days. From what I've read above it seems to be the same as the U.S.
I don't think MSG is banned in the States either (not sure if it's banned). But I do know that many restaurants now advertise on or near a front door, or on a very prominate area where an in-coming customer can see that it is an "MSG Free" establishment. I've seen small stickers that have the red slash line and the red circle around a black MSG in the middle, too. I've also seen "NO MSG" on printed menus, or an asteric next to the printed menu item that DOES use MSG. Anyway, all these kinds of little things have turned a negative into a positive for many of their patrons. And I can knowingly select anything on the menu and be able to fully enjoy my meal - and be able to return again and again and again. To me, this just makes good business sense as people like me will also bring their family and friends to eat there, too. I don't have to make sure anyone in my group has an MSG problem in advance as the restaurant doesn't use MSG. Problem solved! V/R, nwlivewire