At the risk of highjacking the old is too old and at what point is the age gap between a man and woman too great? If I was 16 would it be unacceptable to date someone 50% greater than my age (thats age 24 for you who are # challenged). If i was 50 (which I am) would it be unacceptable to date someone 50% less than my age (thats 33 ish). How about we throw a big thumbs up for all those who dare to step out of the normal thinking and for whatever reason end up with a significant other that is not exactly their age ? I was 23 once and was dating a woman 35....i remember my sisters teasing me and calling her granny Alex, so i dont get thrown out for not responding properly, i enjoyed the article and hope someday to be one of those guys who gets thrown out of the nursing home. I have recorded this idea so that when i get old i will remember what to do in the nursing home
Since this is a General Chat thread, lets examine that: From 2012 And then from 2013 I trust this proves the point that age has nothing to do with it. Even silly old farts can have the same problems as teenagers. Read more: World's oldest dad, 97, devastated after wife leaves him following disappearance of their son | Daily Mail Online
Based on things here then, maybe the old sayings are not true and there is no "SUGAR DADDY" or the "TOYBOY" This is not a new thing is it. Is it? No! I don't think so, Reading sometime ago I see the Victorians were all at it. I guess if we researched far enough back even the "Roman Orgies" would throw up some enlightening things. Everyone likes fun, Go for it.
In the West/US teenagers are supported by their it is the other way around. If I were a teenager I know which one I would prefer......if I were a parent I would never allow my teenage child to pimp himself/herself out to support me.
That's the point. Every teenage gets to decide their preference. Trying to impose OUR preferences on other teenagers is societal influence. When just left to choose on their own, its surprising the choices they will make. But since we all judge by our own experiences, personal prejudices run rampant.
But teenagers here don't get a choice. It is expected, and even demanded, that they support their family (their constitution even has a thing or two to say about it). When I was a teenager my parents gave me the choice to be supported by them (play sports) or work (what would happen if I didn't play sports). Teenagers in the Philippines rarely get the choice to be teenagers, that is reserved only for the upper class.
Teenagers f*ck everything up, they are mental midgets. Don't know why anyone would want to date one......unless they are looking for someone on a similar intellect and maturity level.
That is a possibility. But it is a stronger possibility that the younger expats here cannot accept that a beautiful young lady would choose a "wrinkly old codger" over them, and yet, they do. If I was single I would (and have) go up against many younger and richer expats when competing for the affections of a young lady. I usually won and found it really hurt the vanity of the younger man. But that's life. Edit: Incidentally, since we are comparing societal vs natural selection, I can remember certain occasions where visiting white, American girls (girls being under 30) were willing to try their luck with a senior expat due to the girl being on holiday and away from the societal pressure of her homeland. But as I said in a previous post, whatever you need to believe to get through the day is fine with me. If you want to believe young ladies are all 'pressured' to have relationships with old geezers then sleep well with that belief
No, it's completely understandable. Faster return on investment. Why invest 30-50 years of you time and effort when you can get away with less than 10 years and then still be young enough to do it again?