Hi Guys, Whilst I was looking for something specific on the net today, this blast from the past popped up in front of me ..... As they say - your life is on the net (warts and all) ==================================== MAX'sBBS Sysops, As some of you might know, the source for MAX'sBBS has been purchased by myself, with the view of further developing the program, and propose to return the BBS program back to being one of the better BBS packages, both from the user, and with major overall, also from the sysop's point of view ... MAX'sBBS always has been unique in it's way of being presented, owing nothing to Xenolink and/or Cnet and/or any of their clones <all loaded with their own range of features, BUT they just weren't MAX'sBBS :-)> ... A little bit about myself: My name is Norbert Peter Feist, am 40 years of age, married to a lovely lady, raising 3 boys, with a house to pay, 2 dogs, 2 cats, etc ... In other words, i have been am domesticated :-) ... I was one of the first to buy one of these super new A500 <the obvious choice after Vic-20, C64 - anything but PC> currently still use the A500, but now also have a A1200, A2000 and A3000 ... Having run a BBS prior to the Amiga on a C64 <with a 20meg HD the size/weight> of a brick, we then started getting the A500 ready for running a BBS ... I have been involved with MAX'sBBS since it's very early days, being both a registered (meaning i purchased the program) and one of the beta-tester for years <along guys like Mario Marin and Edward Lawford> ... In the beginning of 1994 we went away from MAX'sBBS in disgust to the program being made PD, and started using Excelsior, a program promising everything you as a sysop could ever want/need ... We were betatester, Australian Distributor and overall general support for this BBS package ... Only a few little problems, bugs <and there were a lot>, weren't being fixed, but new features added, responses from Tom <the programmer>, became as rare as 1200 modems :-). Then came the cruncher ... The Federal Police seized all equipment under a search warrant relating to the Communications Act in January '94, which only now <10th July '96> is going to court . Took another year or so to get it all sorted and equipment returned. And they could not prove how the "alleged" illegal stuff was being done. We are now expecting things to be finalised very soon, meaning we then can get the programming for MAX'sBBS going ... ====================================================== I can be contacted in MAX'sNET as Norbert Feist at 86:302/0, in AmigaNET at 41:200/823.0, at the Webpage <http://ideal.net.au/~feistn/maxsbbs.htlm>, or at feistn@ideal.net.au and norbert.feist@nutfactory.apana.org.au ... Hope to hear from you ... = _ _ = The Nut Factory BBS = = nuts2u2@nutfactory.apana.org.au = Max'sNet: 86:302/0.0 = = feistn@ideal.net.au = AmigaNet: 41:200/823.0 = o-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-o = For Auto PGP key request to nuts2u2@nutfactory.apana.org.au = o-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-=-o ======================================================= Reminds of how much of a geek I was in those days. The early days of the digital era. They even offered me consulting work afterwards - the secrets will die with me . Still remember that morning, ASIO, Federal Police, Local Police, Telstra, Optus . My wife was so cool - made them cups of coffee and tea, talked to them for hours. She was so calm cool and collected. Anyway - just a little bit of nostalgic crap.
Hi, Early message boards (Bulletin Board System), like the modern forums. It was also for file storing / sharing / etc. It was computer system(s), with multiple dial-in modems, user accounts, online games, mail, etc etc. Like server software (like) to run a remote access system.
Hi, Written in Assembler. Very FAST and compact. It was very configurable and allowed flexible extension via "modules". Thus the pure BBS software always functioned extremely fast. How I remember those geeky years. We were pioneers in those glory days.
Have you been doing some coding for Immigration? I think your software is a little outdated and takes up a bit too much physical space.