There are many such things but it is the UK. DWP that will not send any Documents electronically The UK Postal Service is Great where they are but forget us over here. One rule for all is their Motto. Snail mail On most things, a Snail is Quicker. When it come to Paying out Money, Technology seems to go out of the Window. I guess different if we owe them Money. Then of Course Manila don't help and it gets slower.
So if you give DWP your local UK address (which is really a mail service) then they are happy. Two days later when your service receives it, you have them open, scan, and email it to you. You won't have the original but will know what they are up to almost immediately instead of two months later - if your lucky.
Yes and there will not be the embossed form number on it that does not show up on a print out. AR, we have tried always over the Last 3 years to sort this and believe me the DWP always win and as it is a payment to me I don't feel like pushing the issue. I will win but it will take time
Where there is a will, there is a way. Your original frustration was with PhilPost, so if you had a UK address that would collect your mail and send it via courier service you would get your embossed document without having to deal with PhilPost. But it would cost quite a bit. The business that provides you with a UK address will want to get paid and the courier service will be much more expensive than PhilPost. Still, if it was that important, you would find a way to deal PhilPost out of the equation because you are a smart man!
OK, last shot I can think of. Use a UK service, once you get the DWP letter let that be your excuse to do some online shopping delivered to the UK address. Have them put the letter and your shopping in a Balikbayan Box and ship it to you. You get the letter and restock the things you have been missing which allows you to amortise the shipping cost over all the items so it won't sting as bad.
Thanks for the warning, Jack. I got a friend in the UK to call the pensions department and they immediately send me the Life Certificate form by email. All I have to do is fill and sign it, get my bank manager to sign as a witness, and return to Pension Office before the end of May. Should solve the problem.
Well there is a turn up for the books. Shows they CAN do things if enough people complain Thank you for this update, Together we may win a round or two