Leyte’s ‘Bridge with no Water’ Goes Viral - an Explanation of Plunderous Proportions - Philippines Lifestyle Just shake your head and move on i spose.......
As I said in another reply on another thread: "Filipino scammers are equal opportunity scammers, and will scam any group or type of people". In this case it appears any nation should be included, as Japan carried the financial load of this bridge. Someday the other nations will understand the Filipino culture better.
"YA REALLY GOTTA WONDER" Far as I can tell, its just another blogger trying to stir sh*t. Could be an underground stream there? Could be more outside the frame of the pic. Spoiler: Sorry Spoiler: Sorry Sorry, was just quoting the title and it is bold, all caps, and the bold just continued when I printed. I guess we should all try to be more polite when replying but its hard when some other members don't give a f*ck but expect the rest of the forum to care. Again, my apologies. Moderators Note. Sorted. so lets all play nice EH?
You think that bridge is bad,check the bridge just finished outside bambulo,could not get concrete with steel pillars into ground so cut off 15 ft for the hell of it. Undersized steel and many other cost cutting options! I won't name the construction company bit I'm sure most Will know who. Anyone who builds the way they do would be locked up in the western world.
My wife knows a girl who got into the construction business building bridges. Trained as a lawyer, not an Engineer. Occasionally she bought cars for government officials. I wonder if this was one of her jobs.