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CAAP limits use of Dumaguete airport

Discussion in 'News and Weather' started by DavyL200, Apr 28, 2016.


    KINGCOLE DI Senior Member Highly Rated Poster

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    Perhaps Ceres should start running buses from Dumaguete Airport to Mactan. I don't think there are enough prop planes to carry the number of passengers living here, as well as all the tourists. The infrastructure in Dumaguete is abysmal. I know a well respected engineer of 70+ years, he told me a story about a city planner they had here whom had plans for Dumaguete, but none of these came to fruition,as influential people would have none of it. So here we are 30+ years later, poor roads, inadequate public transport, few sidewalks, failing water, sewage and electricity. This is not just a Dumaguete problem, but the whole of Negros Oriental.
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  2. Jack Peterson

    Jack Peterson DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster SC Connoisseur Veteran Air Force

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  3. contrail

    contrail DI Junior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Navy

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    Now it's official.

    Only approach from West to 09 is limited. by 408m putting out of limitations of the airbus 319/320

    C0296/16 - PAPI RWY09 U/S. 29 APR 07:23 2016 UNTIL 30 MAY 08:00 2016 ESTIMATED. CREATED:
    29 APR 07:24 2016


    09 1845M 1845M 1845M 1437M THR DISPLACED BY 408M
    27 1845M 1845M 1845M 1845M NIL

    09 0 0
    27 0 0. 29 APR 22:00 2016 UNTIL 30 JUL 10:00 2016. CREATED: 29 APR 07:11

    Number of NOTAMs selected: 2
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  4. Show Pony

    Show Pony DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Showcase Reviewer

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    Why is it so difficult to have such a small issue resolved?
    from the article;

    "“It can become a ‘blessing in disguise' if the local, provincial and national governments do not intervene” with the proposed construction of a bigger and more modern airport in Bacong, Du said.

    say no more.
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  5. contrail

    contrail DI Junior Member Showcase Reviewer Veteran Navy

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    I can only wonder the bonus money the most proficient Cebu Pacific pilot was awarded for pulling off this Timely approach incursion with the "tree"! If it really happened at all. Another amazing consideration is the timing, 09 isnt really needed now the winds have changed with the seasons.

    Regards, Cebu Pacific's only stunt pilot.
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  6. robert k

    robert k DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster Veteran Army

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    Business | Philstar Mobile[/QUOTE]
    There already is a baggage l
    There always is somebody with a plan, usually the plan involves little to no money of their own but will enrich them greatly. Yes, things might be better a few decades down the road but how do you determine which of dozens, possibly hundreds of plans should you accept and push forward? Also, how do you determine what kinds of problems that would have come with the solutions to the now known problems you would have had had you followed the suggestions, plans and proposals. I will give you the answer, you don't. You can't repeal the law of unforeseen consequences.
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  7. Dave_Hounddriver

    Dave_Hounddriver DI Forum Luminary Highly Rated Poster

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    My first thought is where are these 2 runways? I have only seen one runway in Sibulan. Do they give it a different number if the plane comes in over the water instead of coming in over the land?

    My second thought is that three rich people will be very happy with all this. Those being 1, the guy selling land in Bacong to build a new airport, 2, the guy who will get the contract to build a new airport and 3, the guy who will end up with the land in Sibulan that the current airport sits on. Yep, 3 very happy people out there stirring this up.

    I can't imagine it being any cheaper to build a whole new airport than it would be to cut down a tree and expand the existing one into the water further, but its not about saving money, its about rich filipinos getting richer.
    • Agree Agree x 6
  8. cabb

    cabb DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster ✤Forum Sponsor✤

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    This is really about safety. The safety of the home owner and the safety of th e
    You got it. It's the same runway but the other direction, hence the 180 degree difference.
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  9. alex

    alex DI Forum Patron Highly Rated Poster

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    A pal jet just landed from the west at dumaguete airport 10 am Sunday 1st may.
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    • Thanks Thanks x 1
    Last edited by a moderator: May 1, 2016
  10. guest

    guest Guest Guest User

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    Near-mishap may downgrade airport

    The Civil Aviation Authority of the Philippines is close to deciding whether or not to downgrade the Sibulan-Dumaguete airport to propeller-type commercial aircraft and general aviation jets.

    The possibility emerged after a Cebu Pacific Airbus swept some treetops while landing at the Sibulan-Dumaguete airport last Tuesday, and suffered hydraulic leaks in its landing gear.

    CAAP spokesman Eric Apolonio said leaves and barks of trees were found in the landing gear of the aircraft.

    Apolonio said the CAAP has shortened the usage of the Dumaguete Airport runway to ensure the safety of the public as tall trees have posed danger to commercial jets.

    He said the Dumaguete Airport operations would be temporarily limited to propeller-type commercial aircraft and general aviation jets.

    There are two runways in the Dumaguete airport: Runway 09 which runs from west to east (landing from the mountain); and Runway 27 which runs from east to west (landing from the Tañon Strait).

    Cebu Pacific issued an advisory last Wednesday saying they have stopped flying Airbus jets into Dumaguete through runway 09.

    “This is an accident waiting to happen,” Apolonio said, “and we cannot compromise the safety of the public.”

    He added that the owner of the private lot has refused to cut down seven tall trees located at least 50 meters from the runway.

    The CAAP did not identify the lot owner, Alexander Amor Jr., as it did in a statement last year.

    In a phone interview with the MetroPost, Amor said he has already cut two coconut trees, and a Talisay tree which were growing along the flight path of the airport runway, and has been accommodating to the CAAP workers who regularly trim their other trees.

    However, Amor lamented that the new airport manager who recently took over has never made an effort to meet with him, even though their home is just a stone’s throw away. Amor said the new manager, instead, sent him a letter dated June 1, which he received on June 6.

    Before he could answer the letter, Amor said the manager issued a statement that was aired on GMA News, where Amor was being referred to as a “stubborn landowner”.

    Amor described his relationship with the CAAP as maayo (cordial) for the last 40 years until the new manager came.

    As to Tuesday’s incident of the aircraft scraping his treetops, Amor said the pilot may have flown too low, and opined that it could have been a miscalculation on the part of the pilot.

    “I was by my gate as the plane was landing. When it passed above me, I noticed that it scraped the top of our santol tree, and even our mango tree, which is shorter. And the plane even missed the jet blast protector which is at the end of the airport [nearest the highway] by only about six inches!”

    He said a Cebu Pacific safety team has visited him, and inspected his property after the incident, and in fact, agreed with his observation.

    There has yet been no confirmation from the airline.

    Amor said they have long been offering to sell their property to the CAAP, which said it does not have the budget.

    Amor, an agriculturist by profession, and a member of the Regional Development Council of the Negros Island Region and Central Visayas, said Dumaguete really needs a new airport which has a runway longer that what it currently has.

    “This runway is too short for the Airbus A320s. And because of the short runway, the airlines are underloaded, and that is the reason why airline tickets to and from Dumaguete are expensive,” he said.

    Amor welcomed the move of Cong. Pryde Henry Teves to build a three-kilometer airport in Bacong town, with an initial funding of P500 million.

    “But they have to act fast because the planes they use now are too big for the Dumaguete airport.”

    Meanwhile, Edward Du, president of the Negros Oriental Chamber of Commerce & Industry, issued a statement saying that “CAAP should keep negotiating with the private property/tree owner given the constitutional rights of all landowners due process, just compensation, and privacy to avoid the same problem encountered (with) NGCP during the two-day blackout last March”.

    Du was referring to the 26-hour or more blackout in Dumaguete and many parts of Negros Oriental arising from the refusal of the lawyer representing the private property owner to allow the National Grid Corp. of the Philippines access to the disputed land, where thick vegetation had caused the tripping of a 69kV transformer in Dumaguete.

    The NOCCI President said that in the case of the airport problem, “in the short term, the local economy, especially tourism, will surely suffer, but this incident could also fasttrack the construction of a much bigger airport and port in Bacong, Negros Oriental”.

    “It may be a ‘blessing in disguise’ if the local, provincial, and national governments do not intervene” with the proposed construction of a bigger and more modern airport in Bacong, Du said.

    Meanwhile, Cebu Pacific announced that the policy on the use of Runway 27 (landing from the sea), but not Runway 09, at the Dumaguete airport will continue to remain in force until further notice.

    As aircrafts glide during the landing phase, the pilots have been instructed to to take extreme caution if they have to approach via Runway 09 (from the mountains) to avoid hitting the treetops.