Sure wish that was posted somewhere. I have assisted with the burial of half a dozen American expats and have never found any widow's package or burial assistance other than passing the hat.
I don't see where it said Bob was an American. As far as I know, Americans are on their own. SS may pay a widow a one time death benefit of $255 but that will be months in coming. I'm fairly certain the American embassy will do fork all.
Bob was a UK citizen, so he gets whatever benefits that government offers. As a Canadian I get jack squat from my country, however my wife is entitled to a survivor pension benefit from my CPP pension. A Belgium friend died here. Belgium actually paid for the casket and all repatriation cost because Belgium thinks he was in Bacong on a tourist visa. His widow gets a rather handsome pension from Belgium and extra support while their son is in school. The widow and son are dual citizens. Initially they had to pretend to be Belgium residents and have since "chosen to return to the PI".
I think one reason the bank accounts are frozen by the government is to make sure ALL money that the government SAYS is owed is paid in full. Including death tax in US by well heeled US person's. They don't really care about the family as long as they get their's first.
"The widow and son are dual citizens. Initially they had to pretend to be Belgium residents and have since "chosen to return to the PI". What's there to 'pretend'?? If the wife and son have a Belgium passport, they are regarded Belgium citizens, no matter what. My wife has dual nationality too, and will get a state widows pension if I decide to kick the bucket, and will also receive the widows portion of my pension as a civil servant. Our bank accounts (still 'at home' as that makes the most sense when pensions are paid monthly and you're still taxable under local laws) are and/or accounts and will not been frozen when one of the partners passes away so it will remain accessible for the remaining partner.
I did not know Bob, but perhaps someone can pass this link onto his wife. Bereavement Payment - GOV.UK There is a one off tax free payment of £2000, subject to eligibility.