Not buying it. This guy has been floating around awhile. Why wait until now to trot him out? They tortured him then let him live? That doesn't sound right. Think about it, the safe thing to do would be to silence him forever. And haven't finished him off since? He'd have a lot more credibility if he had sworn out a statement and then been killed. I think he was scamming witless protection, then ran away and now someone is paying, or they actually have some dirt on this guy that would send him to prison for a very short life sentence. Not exactly the best witness. Most places you would need to point out some human remains or something to prove your story that you were there. But all the remains are gone because they were so careful? And yet they were so careless as to leave this guy alive? Just not buying it. He needs to turn in his "brothers" (who tortured him) so they can cut a deal and corroborate his story, but he isn't doing that, is he? Nope, just Duterte. I haven't heard him say yet that he ever personally met Duterte? If he never met Duterte, that would make it all hearsay, wouldn't it? If there was ever a speck of truth to what this guy is saying, the statement of anyone who might back him up is now tainted. You don't do interviews if you actually have a case, which makes this just a smear campaign.
No idea if this is true or not.........I just wonder if anyone even cares. A little fear, whether true or not, can go a long way to keeping people in line.
Very remarkable that this De Lima woman is the leader of the hearing...................after the accusations of Duterte with respect to her boyfriend/taxi driver collecting drug money.
Interesting, but in this twisted World, does anyone care anymore. Kill one man, your a murderer, kill 700,000 your a President.
Think about it? Why would someone torture someone? I don't mean your ex-wife either. Possibly there was nothing on tv and they tortured him for entertainment? Mostly people are tortured because they know something you want to know, or you think they do. This guy isn't going to be able to tell the supposed death squad any more than they already know about their own activities. If he were part of the death squad and shot his mouth off to someone else, I'm very sure they would have eliminated him. What would be the possible upside for keeping him around? If I ever felt the need to torture someone, I assure you they are not going to be let go. There is no upside to letting them go. Kidnapping and torture is not going to get you a lesser sentence than murder. This guy needs to name names of people he actually worked with if he is to have any credibility. For all we know Duterte may have banged the guys wife and this is his way of getting back at him.
So if it exists, is it just a bunch of good ole vigilantes that have created a club? There must be some kind of organization. Are they just allowed to run free because it benefits the city?
Unlikely that such a group would be formed and operated without the blessing, and perhaps involvement, of certain key figures in the city. Benefiting the city? Davao, to this day, has one of the highest rape and murder rates in the country. Davao is number 4 on PNP's worst PH cities with highest crime rate - Politiko